CAD/CAM Developer's Kit/3D


Reference Guide


1. Introduction


2. 2D Geometry


3. 3D Geometry


4. DXF


5. Display


6. Lists


7. Home



Copyright (c) 1988-2009 Building Block Software, Inc. All rights reserved.


CAD/CAM Developer's Kit/3D






The Building Block Software CAD/CAM Developer's Kits (CCDK)  provide

functions that enable your programs to build and manage  lists of data. These

functions are collectively called "CCDK/Lists".


Fundamental Concepts






This section discusses list management without getting into any  programming

details.  The purpose of this section is to provide a  basis for the sections

of this reference that present programming  information.


List Objects



The two object types used for list management are:


* list


* item


A list is an ordered collection of objects.


An item marks a location on a list.


A CCDK list is a doubly-linked list, and provides a  number of features that

are important for CAD/CAM and other  applications.  These features are:


* the ability to navigate forwards and backwards


* the ability to delete the first object on the list without  changing the

  address that refers to the head of the list


* the ability of an object to be on more than one list  at a time


* the ability of an object to be on a list more than once


List Operations



The list operations supported by CCDK/Lists are:


* construction


* traversal


* iteration


Construction operations create and modify lists.


Traversal operations step forwards and backwards along lists.


Iteration operations apply a function to each object on a  list.


Object Types



CCDK/Lists provides the following two types for list  management:



| Type                                 | Meaning                             |


| DML_LIST                             | a list                              |

| DML_ITEM                             | a list item; an object that         |

|                                      | represents a position on a  list    |



These types are defined in the header file dmldefs.h. 


Attributes of lists and items should be accessed using functions.   Therefore

no access macros are provided.


Functions and Action Macros By Category






This section presents CCDK/Lists functions grouped according to  the

operations they perform.


Category Overview



List functions are divided into the following  categories:


* construction


* traversal


* iteration


Construction functions create and modify lists.


Traversal functions step along locations on lists.


Iteration functions apply "actions" to objects on lists.


All CCDK/Lists functions have the prefix dml, an acronym for  "data

management - lists".  Include the header file dmldefs.h  when using any list



List Construction



The following functions create lists:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| dml_create_list                      | to create a new list                |

| dml_insert_after                     | to insert an item after a given     |

|                                      | item                                |

| dml_insert_prior                     | to insert an item before a given    |

|                                      | item                                |

| dml_append_data                      | to add an item to the end of a      |

|                                      | list                                |

| dml_remove_item                      | to remove an item from a list       |

| dml_remove_first                     | to delete the first item of a list  |

| dml_remove_last                      | to delete the last item of a list   |

| dml_clear_list                       | to remove all items from a list     |

| dml_remove_data                      | to locate the item that references  |

|                                      | a data record and to remove  this   |

|                                      | item from the list                  |

| dml_kill_data                        | to locate the item that references  |

|                                      | a data record, to remove  this      |

|                                      | item from the list, and to free     |

|                                      | the data record                     |

| dml_append_list                      | to append one list to another by    |

|                                      | transferring all items from  one    |

|                                      | list to the other list              |

| dml_reverse_list                     | to reverse a list                   |

| dml_create_copy                      | to create a copy of a list          |

| dml_free_list                        | to free a list                      |

| dml_destroy_list                     | to free all of the objects on a     |

|                                      | list as well as the list            |



To put objects onto a list, the list must first be created with the

dml_create_list function.


Putting objects on lists does not affect the objects in any way. An  object

may be on more than one list at a time, and may be on one list  more than



Lists occupy allocated memory and must be freed when they are no  longer

needed; dml_free_list and dml_destroy_list are  provided for this purpose.

dml_destroy_list should be used  with caution because it frees the objects on

a list as well as the  list itself. If you mean only to free a list, but to

leave the  objects on the list intact, use dml_free_list.


The following functions create lists from arrays, and  arrays from lists:


a list; the objects must all have the same size


the objects must all have the same size


The following functions sort lists:


List Traversal



The following functions traverse lists and access  objects stored on lists:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| dml_first                            | to obtain the first item on a list  |

| dml_last                             | to obtain the last item on a list   |

| dml_prev                             | to obtain the item before a given   |

|                                      | item                                |

| dml_next                             | to obtain the item following a      |

|                                      | given item                          |

| dml_record                           | to obtain the record referenced by  |

|                                      | an item                             |

| dml_length                           | to obtain the length of a list in   |

|                                      | items                               |

| dml_find_data                        | to locate the item that references  |

|                                      | a data record                       |

| dml_find_test                        | to locate the first item on a list  |

|                                      | that references a data  record      |

|                                      | that passes a user-defined test     |



The following macros are used for traversing lists:



| Macro                                | Use                                 |


| DML_FOR_LOOP(I0,I)                   | to walk a list from item I0 to the  |

|                                      | end of the list, returning  item I  |

|                                      | at each step                        |

| DML_WALK_LIST(L,I)                   | to walk list L from the beginning   |

|                                      | to the end, returning  item I at    |

|                                      | each step                           |



These macros, which are aliases for 'for' statements, are defined in



List Iteration



The following functions apply a function to each object  on a list.  This

process is called iteration.


function uses a data record supplied to this function in the course  of its



Alphabetized Reference



***>> dml_append_data <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_append_data(list,data);


****** Description ******


This function appends a data record to the end of a list.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | the list to which a data     |

|                        |                    | record is appended           |


| ANY                    | data               | the data record to be        |

|                        |                    | appended                     |



****** See also ******


dml_insert_after, dml_insert_prior


****** Return Value ******


The return value is the item on the list referencing the data.


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      DML_LIST list ;

      char *data, input [80] ;

      DML_ITEM item ;


      list = dml_create_list () ;

      printf ("Enter strings or 'quit' to end.\n" ) ;



            scanf ( "%s", input ) ;

            if ( strcmp ( input, "quit" ) )


                  data = ( char * ) malloc ( strlen ( input) + 1 ) ;

                  strcpy ( data, input ) ;

                  dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) data ) ;



      while ( strcmp ( input, "quit" ) ) ;


      for ( item = dml_first ( list ) ; item != NULL ;

            item = dml_next ( item ))


            data = ( ANY ) dml_record ( item ) ;

            printf ( "%s\n", data ) ;

            free ( data ) ;


      dml_free_list ( list ) ;



The program builds a list of strings read from the keyboard. When  the string

"quit" is encountered, the programs exits the input loop,  prints out the

strings, and frees the data space and the list.


***>> dml_append_list <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST dml_append_list(list1,list2);


****** Description ******


This function appends the second list to the first. When this function

returns, all of the items on the second list have been transferred  to the

first list, and the second list is empty. The second list is  not freed.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list1,list2        | the lists to combine         |



****** See also ******


dml_append_data, dml_merge_lists


****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>



reverse_and_append ( list1, list2 )


DML_LIST list1, list2;


      dml_reverse_list ( list2 );

      dml_append_list ( list1, list2 ) ;

      dml_free_list ( list2 );


      RETURN ( list1 );



This subroutine, whose input is two lists, reverses the second list,  appends

the contents of the second list to the first list, frees the  (now empty)

second list.


***>> dml_apply  <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_apply ( list, action  );


****** Description ******


This function applies an action to each record on a list.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| PF_ACTION              | action             | an action function           |



****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      INT i;

      REAL array[10];

      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      void action ( ANY );

      for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )

            array[i] = i;

      dml_copy_array_to_list ( array, 10, sizeof(REAL), list );

      dml_apply ( list, ( PF_VOID ) action );



void action ( record )

ANY record;


      REAL *x = ( REAL * ) record;

      printf ( "%lf ", *x );


This program builds a list composed of the elements of an array of  REALs. It

then prints out the contents of the list by applying an  "action" function to

each element on the list.


***>> dml_apply_data  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_apply_data ( list, action, data );


****** Description ******


This function applies an action to each object on a list.  A data  record is

provided by the caller to pass information to the action  function.


This function is useful for applications such as displaying a list  of

geometry.  The data record can be used to specify color, line pattern  or

other information.  In other words, this function can "walk" a  list of

geometry, displaying it with the color and pattern information  found in a

data record.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| PF_ACTION_DATA         | action             | a caller-supplied action     |

|                        |                    | function; this function      |

|                        |                    | should take  two arguments:  |

|                        |                    | an object (which will be     |

|                        |                    | taken from the list), and  a  |

|                        |                    | data record that provides    |

|                        |                    | parameters for applying the  |

|                        |                    | action                       |


| ANY                    | data               | a caller supplied data       |

|                        |                    | record                       |



****** Example ******


#include <c2defs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

static  void action ( PT2, INT* ) ;


void modi_pts_list ( pts_list )

DML_LIST pts_list ;


      INT coord ;


      printf ( "which coordinate do you want to negate ?\n" ) ;

      printf ( "x - enter 0 ; y - enter 1\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%d", &coord ) ;

      if ( coord < 0 || coord > 1 )

            printf ( "illegal coordinate\n" ) ;


            dml_apply_data ( pts_list, action, &coord ) ;



static void action ( p, coord )

PT2 p ;

INT *coord ;


      p[*coord] = - p[*coord] ;


This routine mirrors a list of points about the x or y axis. 


***>> dml_clear_list <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_clear_list(list);


****** Description ******


This function removes all of the items from a list. The data records

referenced by the items are not affected.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | The list to clear            |



****** See also ******


dml_create_list, dml_free_list, dml_remove_item


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      INT i;

      REAL array[10];

      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      void action ( ANY );

      for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )

            array[i] = i;

      dml_copy_array_to_list ( array, 10, sizeof(REAL), list );

      printf ( "The length of the list is %d",

            ( INT ) DML_LENGTH(list) );

      dml_clear_list ( list );

      printf ( "The length of the list is %d",

            ( INT ) DML_LENGTH(list) );


This program builds a list composed of the elements of an array of  REALs.

After printing out the length of the list, it clears the list  and prints the

length again to show that the list is empty.


***>> dml_copy_array_to_list  <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_copy_array_to_list ( x, n, size, list );


****** Description ******


This function appends all the elements of an array to a list.


****** Input ******



| ANY                    | x                  | an array                     |


| INT                    | n                  | the number of elements in    |

|                        |                    | the array                    |


| INT                    | size               | the size of an element in    |

|                        |                    | the array                    |


| DML_LIST               | list               | the list to append the       |

|                        |                    | records to                   |



****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      INT i;

      REAL array[10];

      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )

            array[i] = i;

      dml_copy_array_to_list ( array, 10, sizeof(REAL), list);


This program builds a list composed of the elements of an array of  REALs.


***>> dml_copy_list_to_array  <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_copy_list_to_array ( list, x, size  );


****** Description ******


This function copies all the records on a list into a preallocated  array.

All the records on the list must have the same size.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| ANY                    | x                  | a preallocated array large   |

|                        |                    | enough to hold all the       |

|                        |                    | records  on the list         |


| INT                    | size               | the size of the records on   |

|                        |                    | the list                     |



****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      REAL x = 4.0, y = 2.0, z = 7.0, array[3];

      INT i;

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &x );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &y );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &z );

      dml_copy_list_to_array ( list, array, sizeof(REAL) );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            printf ( "%lf ", array[i] );


This program copies the contents of a list into an array.


***>> dml_create_array_to_list  <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST dml_create_array_to_list ( x, n, size   );


****** Description ******


This function creates a list composed of the elements of an array.


****** Input ******



| ANY                    | x                  | the array of data records    |


| INT                    | n                  | the number of data records   |

|                        |                    | in the array                 |


| INT                    | size               | the size of a data record    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is list which contains all of the data records in  the

array. If the list could not be created, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c2defs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      PT2 x[10];

      DML_LIST list;

      INT i;

      for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )


            PT2_X(x[i]) = i;

            PT2_Y(x[i]) = 10.0 - i;


      list = dml_create_array_to_list ( x, 10, sizeof(PT2) );

      dml_free_list ( list );


This program builds an array of points, and then creates a list consisting

of these points.


***>> dml_create_copy  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST dml_create_copy ( inlist );


****** Description ******


This function creates a copy of list.  The objects on the input list  are

also on the output list, but are not affected in any other way.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | inlist             | a list to copy               |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a copy of the input list.


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST reverse_list ( inlist )

DML_LIST inlist ;


      DML_LIST outlist = dml_create_copy ( inlist ) ;

      dml_reverse_list ( outlist ) ;

      RETURN ( outlist ) ;


This routines creates a reversed copy of a list.


***>> dml_create_list <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST dml_create_list(void);


****** Description ******


This function creates a new list.


****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created list.


****** See also ******


dml_free_list, dml_array_list


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list () ;

      REAL x, y, z;


      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &x );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &y );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &z );



This program creates a list and appends three REALs to it.


***>> dml_create_list_to_array  <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


ANY dml_create_list_to_array ( list, size  );


****** Description ******


This function creates an array composed of copies of objects on a  list. The

objects on the list must all have the same size. The array  should be freed

with the free function when it is no longer  needed.  The objects on the list

are not affected.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| INT                    | size               | the size of the objects on   |

|                        |                    | the list                     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a pointer to an array composed of copies of all  the

records on the input list.


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list () ;

      REAL x, y, z, *array;


      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &x );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &y );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &z );


      array = dml_create_list_to_array ( list, sizeof(REAL) );

      free ( array );



This program creates an array that contains copies of the elements  on a

list. The created array occupies allocated space and must be  freed when it

is no longer needed.


***>> dml_destroy_list  <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_destroy_list ( list, free_function  );


****** Description ******


This routine frees all of the records on a list using free_function,  and

then frees the list itself.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | list of data records to be   |

|                        |                    | freed; it is a good practice  |

|                        |                    | to  set this parameter to    |

|                        |                    | NULL after calling this      |

|                        |                    | function                     |


| PF_ACTION              | free_function      | pointer to a function that   |

|                        |                    | frees the data records on    |

|                        |                    | the list;  this function     |

|                        |                    | must return void             |



****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

void main()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      void free_function ( ANY );

      REAL *x;

      INT i;

      for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {

            x = ( REAL * ) malloc ( sizeof(REAL) );

            *x = i;

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) x );


      dml_destroy_list ( list, free_function );



void free_function ( record )

ANY record;


      free ( record );


This program builds a list of REALs, and then frees the REALs and  the list.


***>> dml_find_data  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_find_data ( list, data );


****** Description ******


This function locates the position of an object in a list.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| ANY                    | data               | a pointer to the data or     |

|                        |                    | object to search for         |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the item where the data is located on the list.  If  the

data could not be found, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

void find_in_list ()


      INT a[10], i ;

      DML_LIST list ;

      DML_ITEM item ;

      for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) a[i] = 10 - i;

      list = dml_create_array_to_list ( a, 10, sizeof(INT) );

      printf ( "which array element do you want to find?\n" );

      scanf ( "%d", &i ) ;

      item = dml_find_data ( list, &a[i] ) ;

      if ( item == NULL )

            printf ( "List does not contain this record.\n" ) ;


            printf ( "The value of the data is %d\n",

                  dml_record(item) ) ;

      dml_free_list ( list ) ;


This routine creates a list referencing elements of an array of integers,

and then locates a specified element on the list.


***>> dml_find_test  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_find_test ( list, test );


****** Description ******


This function locates the position on a list of the first object that  causes

a test function to return TRUE.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| PF_TEST                | test               | a pointer to the test        |

|                        |                    | function that takes a data   |

|                        |                    | record as  an input argument  |

|                        |                    | and returns a BOOLEAN        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the first item where the qualifying data is located  on

the list.  If no qualifying data could be found, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c2defs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


static BOOLEAN pt_test ( PT2 ) ;


void line_test ( pts_list )

DML_LIST pts_list ;


      DML_ITEM item ;

      PT2 *p ;

      item = dml_find_test ( pts_list, pt_test ) ;

      if ( item == NULL )

            printf ( "There are no points below the x axis.\n" );

      else {

            p = dml_record(item) ;

            printf ( "the first point with y < 0 is %lf %lf\n",

                  PT2_X(*p), PT2_Y(*p) ) ;




static BOOLEAN pt_test ( p )

PT2 p ;


      RETURN ( PT2_Y(p) < 0.0 ) ;


This routine finds the first point on a list which has a negative  y-



***>> dml_first <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_first(list);


****** Description ******


This function returns a pointer to the first item of a list. If list  is

NULL, or the list is empty, NULL is returned.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the first item of the input list.


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item ;

      INT i;

      char names[3][16], *name;

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      for ( item = dml_first ( list ); item != NULL;

            item = dml_next ( item ) ) {

            name = ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) ;

            printf ( "%s\n", name ) ;



This program builds a list of names, walks the list and prints the  names.


***>> dml_free_list <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_free_list(list)


****** Description ******


This function frees a list. This function does not affect data records

referenced by the list.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | the list to free; it is a    |

|                        |                    | good practice to set this    |

|                        |                    | parameter  to NULL after     |

|                        |                    | calling this function        |



****** See also ******


dml_create_list, dml_clear_list


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list () ;

      REAL x = 4.0, y = 8.0;


      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &x );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &y );

      dml_free_list ( list ) ;


This program builds a list of two elements, and then frees the list.  The

elements x and y are unaffected.


***>> DML_FOR_LOOP <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_FOR_LOOP ( item0, item );


****** Description ******


This macro is shorthand for the following 'for' loop:



      for ( item = item0; item != NULL;

            item = dml_next ( item ) )

****** Input ******



| DML_ITEM               | item0              | starting item                |


| DML_ITEM               | item               | current item                 |



****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      REAL a = 4.0, b = 7.0, c = 5.0;

      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item;

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &a );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &b );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &c );

      DML_FOR_LOOP ( dml_first ( list ), item );

            printf ( "%lf\n", *((REAL*)dml_record(item)) );


This program prints out a list of REALs.


***>> dml_insert_after <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_insert_after(list,prev_item,data);


****** Description ******


This function inserts data onto a list. The data is placed after the  item

indicated by prev_item. The data is inserted at the head  of the list if

prev_item is NULL. No check is made to determine  if prev_item is an actual

item on the list provided. 


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | the list onto which data is  |

|                        |                    | inserted                     |


| DML_ITEM               | prev_item          | the item after which data is  |

|                        |                    | inserted after               |


| ANY                    | data               | the data record to be        |

|                        |                    | inserted                     |



****** See also ******


dml_insert_prior, dml_append_data


****** Return Value ******


The return value is the item added to the list.


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list () ;

      REAL x = 4.0, y = 8.0, z = 1.0;

      DML_ITEM item ;


      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &x );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &z );

      item = dml_first ( list );

      dml_insert_after ( list, item, ( ANY ) &y ) ;


This program inserts an element into a list at the position following  the

first element on the list.


***>> dml_insert_prior <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_insert_prior(list,next_item,data);


****** Description ******


This function inserts data onto a list. The data is placed prior to  the item

indicated by next_item. The data is inserted at the  tail of the list if

next_item is NULL. No check is made to  determine if next_item is an actual

item on the list provided. 


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | the list onto which data is  |

|                        |                    | inserted                     |


| DML_ITEM               | next_item          | the item before which data   |

|                        |                    | is inserted                  |


| ANY                    | data               | the data record to be        |

|                        |                    | inserted                     |



****** See also ******


dml_insert_after, dml_append_data


****** Return Value ******


The return value is the item added to the list.


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list () ;

      REAL x = 4.0, y = 8.0, z = 1.0;

      DML_ITEM item ;


      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &x );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &z );

      item = dml_last ( list );

      dml_insert_prior ( list, item, ( ANY ) &y ) ;


This program inserts an element into a list at the position preceding  the

last element on the list.


***>> dml_kill_data  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


BOOLEAN dml_kill_data ( list, data, data_destructor  );


****** Description ******


This function locates a data record on a list, removes it from the  list, and

frees the data record.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| ANY                    | data               | the data record to search    |

|                        |                    | for                          |


| PF_ACTION              | data_destructor    | the function that frees the  |

|                        |                    | data record                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the data record was located and freed.  Otherwise

it is FALSE.


****** Example ******


#include <c2ddefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void kill_curve ( curves, curve )

DML_LIST curves ;

C2_CURVE curve ;


      if ( !dml_kill_data ( curves, curve, c2d_free_curve ) )

            printf ( "the curve is not on the list\n" ) ;


This routine removes a specified curve from a list of curves, and  frees the



***>> dml_last <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_last(list);


****** Description ******


This function returns pointer to the last item of a list. If list  is NULL,

or the list is empty, NULL is returned.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the last item of the list.


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item ;

      INT i;

      char names[3][16], *name;

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      for ( item = dml_last ( list ); item != NULL;

            item = dml_prev ( item ) ) {

            name = ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) ;

            printf ( "%s\n", name ) ;



This program builds a list of names, and then prints the list out  in reverse



***>> dml_length <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


INT dml_length(list);


****** Description ******


This function returns the number of items on a list. If list  is NULL, or the

list is empty, 0 is returned.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the number of items on the input list. 


****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list () ;

      INT i = 9, j = 6, k = 2 ;


      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &i );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &j );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &k );

      printf ( "%d", dml_length ( list ) );


This program builds a list of integers and prints the list length.


***>> dml_merge_lists <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST dml_merge_lists(list1,list2,sort_key);


****** Description ******


This function merges two sorted lists by inserting objects on the  second

list into the first list to form a sorted list.  The  insertion positions are

determined by the sort_key function,  which determines the relative order of



Note: Before this function is called, the two lists must have  been sorted.


The second list is returned empty, but not freed.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list1, list2       | sorted lists to be merged;   |

|                        |                    | both lists are modified by   |

|                        |                    | this  routine                |


| PF_SORT                | sort_key           | pointer to a BOOLEAN sort    |

|                        |                    | key function                 |



The sort_key function is a user-supplied function that compares  two data

records to determine their relative order on the list. If  the first record

should precede the second record, the sort_key  function should return TRUE;

otherwise the sort_key function  should return FALSE.


****** See also ******


dml_append_data, dml_sort_list


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


BOOLEAN alphabetize_key ( char *, char * ) ;


void main ()


      DML_LIST list1 = dml_create_list(),

            list2 = dml_create_list() ;

      char a[16], b[16], c[16], d[16];


      strcpy ( a, "Intersect" );

      dml_append_data ( list1, ( ANY ) a );

      strcpy ( b, "Rotate" );

      dml_append_data ( list1, ( ANY ) b );

      strcpy ( c, "Mirror" );

      dml_append_data ( list2, ( ANY ) c );

      strcpy ( d, "Offset" );

      dml_append_data ( list2, ( ANY ) d );


      dml_merge_lists ( list1, list2,

            ( PF_BOOLEAN ) alphabetize_key ) ;

      dml_free_list ( list2 ) ;



BOOLEAN alphabetize_key ( data1, data2 )

char *data1, *data2 ;


      return ( strcmp ( data1, data2 ) < 0 ) ;

      /* TRUE if data1 precedes data2 alphabetically */



After building two lists of names, this program merges the lists to  produce

one list which is organized in alphabetical order.


***>> dml_next <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_next(item);


****** Description ******


This function returns the item following the input item. If the input  item

is the last item on the list, or is NULL, the returned value  is NULL. 


****** Input ******



| DML_ITEM               | item               | an item                      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the item following item.  If item  is the last item on a

list, or is NULL, NULL is returned. 


****** See also ******




****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

void main () {

      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item ;

      INT i;

      char names[3][16];

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      for ( item = dml_first ( list ); item != NULL;

            item = dml_next ( item ) )

            printf ( "%s\n", ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) ) ;


After building a list of names, this program walks the list from start  to

end and prints out the names.


***>> dml_prev <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_ITEM dml_prev(item);


****** Description ******


This function returns the item preceding the input item. If the input  item

is the first item of a list or item is NULL, the returned  value is NULL.


****** Input ******



| DML_ITEM               | item               | an item                      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the item that precedes item. If item  is the first item

on a list, or is NULL, the return value is NULL.


****** See also ******




****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item ;

      INT i;

      char names[3][16];

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      for ( item = dml_last ( list ); item != NULL;

            item = dml_prev ( item ) )

            printf ( "%s\n", ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) ) ;


After building a list of names, this program walks the list backwards  and

prints out the names.


***>> dml_record <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


ANY dml_record(item);


****** Description ******


This function returns a pointer to the data record referenced by an  item.


****** Input ******



| DML_ITEM               | item               | an item on a list            |



Return Value


The return value is a pointer to the data record referenced by the  item. If

item is NULL, the value returned is also NULL.


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item ;

      INT i;

      char names[3][16], *name;

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );


      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );


      for ( item = dml_first ( list ); item != NULL;

            item = dml_next ( item ) )


            name = ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) ;

            printf ( "%s\n", name ) ;



After building a list of names, this program walks the list from start  to

end and prints out the names.


***>> dml_remove_data  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


BOOLEAN dml_remove_data ( list, data );


****** Description ******


This function locates the item in a list which references a given  data

record, and removes it from the list.  It does not modify or  free the data



****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| ANY                    | data               | the data record to search    |

|                        |                    | for                          |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if it successfully found the given data  record

and removed its reference from the list.  Otherwise, it returns  FALSE.


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      INT i;

      char names[3][16];

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      dml_remove_data ( list, names[1] );


This program builds a list of names, and then searches the list for  a

reference to the name "Arc", and removes it.


***>> dml_remove_first <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_remove_first(list);


****** Description ******


This function removes the first item from the specified list. The  data

record referenced by the first item is not affected.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | the list from which to       |

|                        |                    | remove the first item        |



****** See also ******


dml_remove_item, dml_remove_last


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      INT i;

      char names[3][16];

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      printf ( "list length: %d\n", ( INT ) DML_LENGTH(list) );

      dml_remove_first ( list );

      printf ( "list length: %d\n", ( INT ) DML_LENGTH(list) );


This program builds a list, and then removes the first item from the  list.


***>> dml_remove_item <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_remove_item(list,item);


****** Description ******


This function removes the specified item from the specified list.   It does

not check if the item is on the list.


The data record referenced by the item is not affected. 


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | the list from which to       |

|                        |                    | remove the item              |


| DML_ITEM               | item               | the item to remove           |



****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item ;

      char names[3][16];

      INT i;

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      printf ( "list length: %d\n", ( INT ) dml_length(list));

      item = dml_next ( dml_first ( list ) );

      dml_remove_item ( list, item  );


This program removes the second item from a list.


***>> dml_remove_last <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


void dml_remove_last(list);


****** Description ******


This function removes the last item from the specified list. The data  record

referenced by the last item is not affected.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | the list from which to       |

|                        |                    | remove the last item         |



****** See also ******


dml_remove_item, dml_remove_first


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      INT i;

      char names[3][16];

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      dml_remove_last ( list );


This program removes the last item from a list.


***>> dml_reverse_list <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST dml_reverse_list(list);


****** Description ******


This function reverses the specified list.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | the list to reverse          |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input list.


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item ;

      INT i;

      char names[3][16];


      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );

      DML_WALK_LIST ( list, item )

            printf ( "%s\n", ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) );

      dml_reverse_list ( list );

      DML_WALK_LIST ( list, item )

            printf ( "%s\n", ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) );


After building a list of names, this program reverses the list.


***>> dml_sort_list <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST dml_sort_list(list,sort_key);


****** Description ******


This function sorts a list according to the provided comparison key,



****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | list to be sorted            |


| PF_SORT                | sort_key           | pointer to a BOOLEAN sort    |

|                        |                    | key function                 |



The sort_key function is a user-supplied function that  compares two data

records and and determines their relative order.  If the first record should

precede the second record, the sort_key  function should return TRUE;

otherwise the sort_key function  should return FALSE.


****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input list.


****** Example ******


#include <string.h>

#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


BOOLEAN alphabetize_key ( char *, char * ) ;


void main ()


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item ;

      INT i;

      char names[3][16];

      strcpy ( names[0], "Line" );

      strcpy ( names[1], "Arc" );

      strcpy ( names[2], "Spline" );

      for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

            dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) names[i] );


      DML_WALK_LIST ( list, item )

            printf ( "%s\n", ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) );


      dml_sort_list ( list, ( PF_BOOLEAN ) alphabetize_key );


      DML_WALK_LIST ( list, item )

            printf ( "%s\n", ( char * ) dml_record ( item ) );



BOOLEAN alphabetize_key ( data1, data2 )

char *data1, *data2 ;


      return ( strcmp ( data1, data2 ) < 0 ) ;

      /* TRUE if data1 precedes data2 alphabetically */


After building a list of names, this program alphabetizes the list.


***>> dml_sort_list_data  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST dml_sort_list_data ( list, sort_key, sort_data  );


****** Description ******


This function sorts a list according to the provided comparison key,

sort_key, and a data record.  The data record can contain some  information

needed for determining relative order of data records  on the list.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | list to be sorted            |


| PF_SORT_DATA           | sort_key           | pointer to a BOOLEAN sort    |

|                        |                    | key function                 |



The sort_key function is a user-supplied function that  compares two data

records and determines their relative order. If  the first record should

precede the second record, the sort_key  function should return TRUE;

otherwise the sort_key function  should return FALSE.



| ANY                    | sort_data          | a data record used by the    |

|                        |                    | sort_key to determine        |

|                        |                    | relative order  of objects   |

|                        |                    | on the list                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input list.


****** Example ******


#include <c2defs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

static  BOOLEAN sort_key ( PT2, PT2, INT* ) ;


void sort_pts_list ( pts_list )

DML_LIST pts_list ;


      INT sort_coord ;


      printf ( "sort by which coordinate?\n" ) ;

      printf ( "x - enter 0 ; y - enter 1\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%d", &sort_coord ) ;

      if ( sort_coord < 0 || sort_coord > 1 )

            printf ( "illegal coordinate\n" ) ;


            dml_sort_list_data ( pts_list, sort_key, &sort_coord ) ;



static BOOLEAN sort_key ( p1, p2, coord )

PT2 p1, p2 ;

INT *coord ;


      RETURN ( p1[*coord] < p2[*coord] ) ;


This routine sorts a list points according to the specified coordinate.


***>> DML_WALK_LIST <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_WALK_LIST ( list, item );


****** Description ******


This macro is shorthand for the following 'for' loop:



      for ( item = dml_first ( list );

            item != NULL; item = dml_next ( item ) )

****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | list               | a list                       |


| DML_ITEM               | item               | current item                 |



****** Example ******


#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


void main()


      REAL a = 4.0, b = 7.0, c = 5.0;

      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      DML_ITEM item;

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &a );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &b );

      dml_append_data ( list, ( ANY ) &c );

      DML_WALK_LIST ( list, item );

            printf ( "%lf\n", *((REAL*)dml_record(item)) );


This program prints out a list of REALs.