CAD/CAM Developer's Kit/3D


Reference Guide


1. Introduction


2. 2D Geometry


3. 3D Geometry


4. DXF


5. Display


6. Lists


7. Home



Copyright (c) 1988-2009 Building Block Software, Inc. All rights reserved.


CAD/CAM Developer's Kit/3D






The Building Block Software CAD/CAM Developer's Kit / 3D  (CCDK/3D) provides

functions that enable your programs to create 3D  curves and points, and to

perform computations with them. These  functions are collectively called



The 3D GEOMETRY collection is an extension of 2D GEOMETRY, the set of CCDK

routines that  perform 2D geometric operations.  CCDK/3D adds "pure 3D"

operations  such as projecting a circle onto a plane to create an ellipse,

and  it enables a 3d mode called "2D-on-a-3D plane". 


Geometry in the "2D-on-a-3D plane" mode is defined in a 2D "local  coordinate

system" positioned in 3D space, and remains in 2D format.   When any

information on this plane is required in 3D format, such as  for display, it

is converted to 3D using the transformation  associated with the local

coordinate system.  Similarly, information  in 3D can be projected into this

2D coordinate system.


3D curve parameters are handled identically to those in 2D, so a  review of

the Curve Parameters section of the 2D GEOMETRY  Reference is recommended before

reading this reference.


Both of the 3D modes provided by the 3D GEOMETRY functions are useful for

applications such as:


* architectural design


* sheet metal bending


* NC programming for milling and wire EDM


* surface design


Fundamental Concepts






This section describes 3D objects and operations without getting  into any

programming details.  The purpose of this section is to  provide a basis for

the sections of this reference that present  programming information.


3D Objects



The 3D object types supported by 3D GEOMETRY are:


* points and vectors


* curves


* bounding boxes


* transform


A point is a set of cartesian coordinates.  A vector  is a set of cartesian

coordinates that is the difference between two  points.


A curve is a general object that can represent  any of these specific types:


* line


* arc


* ellipse


* polycurve


* B-spline


A line is a linear segment.


An arc is a part or all of a full circle.


An ellipse is an elliptical segment.


A polycurve is an end-to-end chain of line and arc segments.


A Non-Uniform Rational B-spline (NURB-spline) is a general  type of B-spline.


A bounding box is a 3D rectangular prism, usually used to  record the extents

of a 3D object.  This box is aligned with the  coordinate axes.


Bounding boxes are useful for determining the approximate locations  and

sizes of 3D objects.  This information can be applied to "cull"  objects from

a set to increase performance.  For example, drawing performance is increased

for the "zoom" operation if objects whose  bounding boxes do not appear in

the view are skipped.


A transform is a matrix used to transform objects from one  coordinate system

into another.


Curve Properties



CCDK/3D takes advantage of a set of curve properties to enable all  curves to

be treated as one type. 


These curve properties summarized by the following  statements:


* Every curve has a start point, an end point and an  "orientation"; if it is

  closed, the start point and the end point  are the same; the orientation is

  the direction one follows along the  curve to travel from its start point

  to its end point.


* For each point on a curve, there is a corresponding real  number called a

  parameter value; in mathematical terms, there  is a "one-to-one mapping"

  between points on a curve and a continuous  range of real numbers.


* At each point on a curve, one may evaluate a tangent  vector, and other

  mathematical properties.


* Curves may be rotated, scaled, translated, mirrored,  intersected and



Treating all curve types as one type with these properties  eliminates the

need to have a separate function for each curve type  for each operation.

Instead, there is only one function for each  operation.


3D Geometric Operations



This section presents the 3D operations provided by CCDK/3D  functions.


3D operations consist of four categories:


* point and vector


* curve


* bounding box


* transform


Point and vector operations are divided into  four groups:


* construction


* evaluation


* addition and multiplication


* conversion between 2D and 3D


Construction functions create points and vectors, and set  coordinate values.

 They also create copies of points and vectors,  and build points and vectors

from other points and vectors. They also perform transformations such as

rotation, scaling, mirroring and projection.


Evaluation functions compute properties of points and  vectors, such as

distances, lengths, and angles.


Addition and multiplication functions perform standard  vector operations,

including weighted sums, dot and cross products.


Conversion operations transform points and vectors between 3D  space and 2D

local coordinate systems.


Curve functions are divided into:


* construction


* copying


* modification


* evaluation


* 2D <-> 3D conversion


Construction operations create geometry from input information.  Creating an

arc passing through three points is one example of a construction  operation.



Copying operations create copies of curves, optionally with  alterations such

as transformations or trimming.


Modification operations, which change existing geometry, include:


* trimming


* breaking


* rotation


* scaling


* mirroring


* translation


Evaluation operations compute information about geometry such  as: end point

coordinates, tangent vectors, and lengths.


2D<->3D conversion operations are the link between 3D space  and the 2D local

coordinate systems positioned in 3D space.  These  operations convert 3D

curves lying on the plane of a local  coordinate system into 2D equivalents

expressed in coordinates  relative to the origin, x and y axes of the local

coordinate system.   They also bring 2D curves defined in a local coordinate

system back  into 3D format.


Intersection of 3D curves is performed by using 2D  intersection routines.

If the 3D curves to be intersected are  planar and are in the same plane,

they can be converted into 2D in a  local coordinate system on the plane, and

intersected as 2D curves.   The curve parameters of the intersection points

on the 2D curves  also correspond to the intersection points on the 3D



If the 3D curves are not planar, or in the same plane, they can be  projected

onto a single plane and intersected as described above.  This technique can

be used to find points where 3D curves appear to  intersect when viewed along

the normal of the plane onto which they  are projected for intersection.

These intersection points are  called "apparent" intersections.


Bounding box operations are divided into:


* construction


* evaluation


Construction operations create and build bounding boxes. 


Evaluation consists of a test that determines if two bounding  boxes overlap.


Transform operations are divided into:


* construction


* evaluation


Construction operations create and combine transforms. Transforms are

constructed from the axes of coordinate systems.


Evaluation consists of applying transforms to points and  vectors in one

coordinate system to obtain their coordinates in  another coordinate system.








This section presents programming information for creating and using  the

objects in defined by CCDK/3D.  Use this section of the manual  to locate the

name of object types and the access macros that access  the attributes of

these types.


Type Overview



The types provided by CCDK/3D include:


* point or vector


* bounding box


* curve


* transform


A point or vector represents a position or a direction in 3D  space.


A bounding box is a rectangular prism, used to record  the volume spanned by

a 3D object.


A curve represents curve geometry, including lines, arcs,  circles,

polycurves and NURB-splines.  Some curves, such as  ellipses, parabolas, and

hyperbolas, can be represented precisely by  NURB-splines.  Other curves,

such as sine and cosine curves can be  approximated to a specified degree of



A transform is a matrix used to transform objects from one  coordinate system

to another.


The sections below provide information about the type definitions  provided

by CCDK/3D for representing and using these objects.





One object type represents both points and vectors.  Although points  and

vectors are conceptually different, they may be represented by  the same type

and processed by the same routines.



| Type                                 | Meaning                             |


| PT3                                  | a 3D point or vector                |

| PT3                                  | a pointer to a 3D point or vector   |



Declaring a variable of type PT3 allocates uninitialized space  for three

coordinate values.  The coordinates values must be set  using access macros,

or with the function c3v_set. 


These types are defined in the header file c3defs.h.


The following macros access the coordinates of points and components  of




| Macro                                | Meaning                             |


| PT3_X(P)                             | a REAL which is the x coordinate    |

|                                      | of 3D point P                       |

| PT3_Y(P)                             | a REAL which is the y coordinate    |

|                                      | of 3D point P                       |

| PT3_Z(P)                             | a REAL which is the z coordinate    |

|                                      | of 3D point P                       |



These macros are defined in the header file c3defs.h.


Bounding Box



Bounding boxes are represented by these types:



| Type                                 | Meaning                             |


| C3_BOX_S                             | a 3D bounding box structure         |

| C3_BOX                               | a 3D bounding box                   |



These types are defined in the header file c3defs.h. 


The term "bounding box" means an object of type C3_BOX. This object is a

pointer to a bounding box structure.


When a bounding box is used as working space or for output,  it must refer to

a bounding box structure that has been declared as  an automatic variable, or

has been allocated.


When declaring automatic storage, it is often convenient to declare  both a

structure and a pointer to the structure to avoid repetitive  evaluation of

the structure address:


C3_BOX_S box_s;

C3_BOX box = &box_s;

Alternatively, memory for a bounding box may be allocated with  c3a_box:


C3_BOX box = c3a_box ( NULL, NULL );

When an allocated bounding box is no longer needed, it must  be freed with



The following macros access bounding box information:



| Macro                                | Meaning                             |


| C3_MIN_PT(B)                         | a PT3 which specifies the bottom    |

|                                      | left back corner of bounding  box   |

|                                      | B                                   |

| C3_MAX_PT(B)                         | a PT3 which specifies the top       |

|                                      | right front corner of bounding      |

|                                      | box B                               |

| C3_MIN_X(B)                          | a REAL which specifies the x        |

|                                      | coordinate of the bottom  left      |

|                                      | back corner of bounding box B       |

| C3_MIN_Y(B)                          | a REAL which specifies the y        |

|                                      | coordinate of the bottom  left      |

|                                      | back corner of bounding box B       |

| C3_MIN_Z(B)                          | a REAL which specifies the z        |

|                                      | coordinate of the bottom  left      |

|                                      | back corner of bounding box B       |

| C3_MAX_X(B)                          | a REAL which specifies the x        |

|                                      | coordinate of the top  right front  |

|                                      | corner of bounding box B            |

| C3_MAX_Y(B)                          | a REAL which specifies the y        |

|                                      | coordinate of the top  right front  |

|                                      | corner of bounding box B            |

| C3_MAX_Z(B)                          | a REAL which specifies the z        |

|                                      | coordinate of the top  right front  |

|                                      | corner of bounding box B            |



These macros are defined in the header file c3defs.h.





The following object type defines a 3D curve:



| Type                                 | Meaning                             |


| C3_CURVE                             | a 3D curve                          |



An object of type C3_CURVE can be used to represent a line, an  arc, a

circle, an ellipse, a polycurve or a B-spline.  "Create"  functions are

provided to create each of these geometry types.


C3_CURVE is defined in the header file c3defs.h.


The following macros access curve parameters:



| Type                                 | Meaning                             |


| C3_CURVE_PARM0(C)                    | a PARM corresponding to the start   |

|                                      | point of curve C                    |

| C3_CURVE_PARM1(C)                    | a PARM corresponding to the end     |

|                                      | point of curve C                    |

| C3_CURVE_T0(C)                       | a REAL specifying the curve         |

|                                      | parameter value of the start        |

|                                      | point of curve C                    |

| C3_CURVE_T1(C)                       | a REAL specifying the curve         |

|                                      | parameter value of the end point    |

|                                      | of curve C                          |



The following macros access curve bounding boxes:



| Macro                                | Meaning                             |


| C3_CURVE_BOX(C)                      | a C3_BOX which is the bounding box  |

|                                      | of curve C                          |

| C3_CURVE_X_MIN(C)                    | a REAL which is the x coordinate    |

|                                      | of the lower left  back corner of   |

|                                      | the bounding box of curve C         |

| C3_CURVE_X_MAX(C)                    | a REAL which is the x coordinate    |

|                                      | of the upper right  front corner    |

|                                      | of the bounding box of curve C      |

| C3_CURVE_Y_MIN(C)                    | a REAL which is the y coordinate    |

|                                      | of the lower left  back corner of   |

|                                      | the bounding box of curve C         |

| C3_CURVE_Y_MAX(C)                    | a REAL which is the y coordinate    |

|                                      | of the lower left  back corner of   |

|                                      | the bounding box of curve C         |

| C3_CURVE_Z_MIN(C)                    | a REAL which is the z coordinate    |

|                                      | of the lower left  back corner of   |

|                                      | the bounding box of curve C         |

| C3_CURVE_Z_MAX(C)                    | a REAL which is the z coordinate    |

|                                      | of the lower left  back corner  of  |

|                                      | the bounding box of curve C         |



The following macros report curve type:



| Macro                                | Meaning                             |


| C3_CURVE_IS_LINE(C)                  | TRUE if curve C is a 3D line;       |

|                                      | FALSE otherwise                     |

| C3_CURVE_IS_ARC(C)                   | TRUE if curve C is a 3D arc or      |

|                                      | circle; FALSE otherwise             |

| C3_CURVE_IS_PCURVE(C)                | TRUE if curve C is a 3D polycurve;  |

|                                      | FALSE otherwise                     |



These macros are defined in the header file c3defs.h.


Also, if the symbol SPLINE is defined, the following macros  are defined.



| Type                                 | Meaning                             |


| C3_CURVE_IS_ELLIPSE(C)               | TRUE if curve C is a 3D ellipse;    |

|                                      | FALSE otherwise                     |



These macros are defined in the header file c3defs.h.





3D transforms are represented by the type:



| Type                                 | Meaning                             |


| C3_TRANSFORM                         | a 3D transform                      |



This type is defined in the header file c3defs.h. 


When a transform is used as working space or for output, it  must be declared

as an automatic variable, or it must be allocated  dynamically.


Declaring an automatic variable of type C3_TRANSFORM allocates space  for the

transform matrix.


To allocate dynamic memory for a transform, use c3t_create:


C3_TRANSFORM *t = c3t_create();

When an allocated transform is no longer needed, it must  be freed with



Functions and Macros By Category






This section presents CCDK/3D functions grouped according to the  operations

that they perform.


Category Overview



The general categories that all CCDK/3D functions fall into are:


* point/vector functions


* curve functions


* bounding box functions


* transform functions


Functions that perform point and vector operations are  divided into the

following groups:


* construction


* evaluation


* addition and multiplication


* 2D<->3D conversion


Construction functions create points and vectors.  Evaluation functions

compute point and vector properties such  as distances and angles. Addition

and multiplication  functions provide standard point and vector computations.

  2D<-> 3D functions provide transformations between 3D space  and 2D local

coordinate systems positioned in 3D space.


Functions that perform curve operations are divided  into the following



* construction


* copying


* modification


* evaluation


* 2D <-> 3D conversion


Construction functions create 3D curves. Copying  functions create copies of

curves, with optional alterations.  Modification functions change existing

curves.  Evaluation functions compute curve properties such as  coordinates

and tangent vectors.  2D<->3D functions  provide transformations between 3D

space and 2D local coordinate  systems positioned in 3D space.


Functions that perform bounding box operations are  divided into the

following groups:


* construction


* evaluation


Construction functions create and modify bounding boxes. 


Evaluation is testing if bounding boxes overlap or interfere.


Functions that perform transform operations are  divided into the following



* construction


* evaluation


Construction functions create and combine transforms. Evaluation apply

transforms to points and vectors.


Function Prefixes



All CCDK/3D functions begin with a three character  prefix that indicates the

general purpose of the function.  The  table below lists the prefixes used in

CCDK/3D and their meaning.



| Prefix                               | Meaning                             |


| c3v                                  | point- and vector-related           |

| c3d                                  | curve creation and copying          |

| c3c                                  | curve modification and evaluation   |

| c3a                                  | bounding box                        |

| c3t                                  | transform                           |



Point/Vector Construction



CCDK/3D provides a variety of point and vector construction  functions.


The following CCDK/3D functions create new points and vectors:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3d_point                            | to allocate a point                 |

| c3v_set                              | to set the coordinates of a point   |

| c3v_set_zero                         | to set the coordinates of a point   |

|                                      | to (0,0,0)                          |

| c3d_free_point                       | to free a point                     |



The following CCDK/3D functions build points and  vectors from other vectors:




| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3v_copy                             | to copy a point or a vector         |

| c3v_negate                           | to construct a vector which has     |

|                                      | the reverse direction of a  given   |

|                                      | vector                              |

| c3v_mid_pt                           | to construct the midpoint between   |

|                                      | two vectors                         |

| c3v_unit_normal                      | to construct a vector of unit       |

|                                      | length perpendicular to two  given  |

|                                      | vectors                             |

| c3v_project_line                     | to project a point onto a line      |

|                                      | segment defined by two points       |

| c3v_basis                            |  to construct two perpendicular     |

|                                      | unit vectors which are  both        |

|                                      | perpendicular to a given vector;    |

|                                      | used for creating the x and y       |

|                                      | axes of a local coordinate system   |



The following functions normalize vectors:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3v_normalize                        | to divide each component of a       |

|                                      | vector by its length to  produce a  |

|                                      | vector of unit length               |

| c3v_normalize_l1                     | to divide the components of a       |

|                                      | vector by its "Manhattan  length";  |

|                                      | produces a vector whose length is   |

|                                      | close to one                        |



The following functions rotate and scale points and  vectors:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3v_rotate_pt                        | to rotate a point about an axis     |

| c3v_rotate_pt_cs                     | to rotate a point about an axis     |

|                                      | given the cosine and sine  of the   |

|                                      | rotation angle                      |

| c3v_rotate_vec                       | to rotate a vector about an axis    |

| c3v_rotate_vec_cs                    | to rotate a vector about an axis    |

|                                      | given the cosine and sine  of the   |

|                                      | rotation angle                      |

| c3v_scale                            | to multiply a vector by a scalar    |

| c3v_mirror_pt                        | to mirror a point about a plane     |

|                                      | defined by a normal vector  and a   |

|                                      | distance from the origin            |

| c3v_mirror_vec                       | to mirror a vector about a plane    |

|                                      | defined by a normal vector  and a   |

|                                      | distance from the origin            |



The following functions project points and vectors onto  planes:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3v_project_pt_normal                | to project a point orthogonally     |

|                                      | onto a plane                        |

| c3v_project_pt_oblique               | to project a point onto a plane     |

|                                      | along a specified direction         |

| c3v_project_vec_normal               | to project a vector orthogonally    |

|                                      | onto a plane                        |

| c3v_project_vec_oblique              | to project a vector onto a plane    |

|                                      | along a specified direction         |

| c3v_plane_3pts                       | to construct a plane from three     |

|                                      | points                              |

| c3v_pt_on_plane                      | to determine if a point is on a     |

|                                      | plane                               |

| c3v_vec_on_plane                     | to determine if a vector is on a    |

|                                      | plane                               |



When using point/vector construction functions, include the header  file

c3ddefs.h or c3vdefs.h, depending on the prefix.


Point/Vector Evaluation



Once points and vectors are constructed, CCDK/3D functions can be  used to

compute their properties.


The following functions compute distances and lengths:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3v_dist                             | to compute the distance between     |

|                                      | two points                          |

| c3v_dist_squared                     | to compute the square of the        |

|                                      | distance between two points         |

| c3v_distl1                           | to compute the "Manhattan"          |

|                                      | distance (the sum of the absolute   |

|                                      | values of the components) between   |

|                                      | two points                          |

| c3v_norm                             | to compute the length of a vector   |

| c3v_norm_squared                     | to compute the square of the        |

|                                      | length of a vector                  |

| c3v_norml1                           | to compute the "Manhattan" length   |

|                                      | of a vector                         |

| c3v_ident_pts                        | to determine if two points          |

|                                      | coincide within the  absolute       |

|                                      | tolerance                           |

| c3v_is_small                         | to determine if the absolute        |

|                                      | values of all of the  coordinates   |

|                                      | are less that the absolute          |

|                                      | tolerance                           |



The following functions compute angles related to  points and vectors:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3v_vecs_angle                       | to compute the angle between two    |

|                                      | vectors                             |

| c3v_vecs_cos                         | to compute the cosine of the angle  |

|                                      | between two vectors                 |

| c3v_vecs_sin                         | to compute the sine of the angle    |

|                                      | between two vectors                 |

| c3v_vecs_parallel                    | to determine if the angle between   |

|                                      | two vectors is less than  the       |

|                                      | relative tolerance                  |

| c3v_spherical                        | to compute the spherical            |

|                                      | coordinates of a 3D point           |

| c3v_set_spherical                    | to set the direction of a 3D        |

|                                      | vector to a direction  specified    |

|                                      | by spherical coordinates            |



When using point/vector evaluation functions, include the header  file



Point/Vector Addition and Multiplication



CCDK/3D provides two sets of functions for standard vector  computations.


The following functions perform vector addition and  subtraction:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3v_add                              | to add to vectors                   |

| c3v_addc                             | to compute the sum of a vector and  |

|                                      | the weighted sum of two  other      |

|                                      | vectors                             |

| c3v_addt                             | to compute the sum of a vector and  |

|                                      | a multiple of another  vector       |

| c3v_addu                             | to compute the convex combination   |

|                                      | of two vectors                      |

| c3v_addw                             | to compute the weighted sum of two  |

|                                      | vectors                             |

| c3v_sub                              | to subtract two vectors             |

| AD                                   | tion   Use                            |



When using vector computation functions, include the header file  c3vdefs.h.


2D<->3D Point/Vector Conversion



The following functions convert points and vectors  between 3D and 2D




| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3v_conv_pt_3d2d                     | to convert a 3D point into a 2D     |

|                                      | point in a local coordinate         |

|                                      | system                              |

| c3v_conv_pt_2d3d                     | to convert a 2D point in a local    |

|                                      | coordinate system into a 3D  point  |

|                                      |                                     |

| c3v_conv_vec_3d2d                    | to convert a 3D vector into a 2D    |

|                                      | vector in a local coordinate        |

|                                      | system                              |

| c3v_conv_vec_2d3d                    | to convert a 2D vector in a local   |

|                                      | coordinate system into a 3D         |

|                                      | vector                              |

| c3v_coord_sys                        |  to construct a local coordinate    |

|                                      | system on a plane                   |



When using point/vector conversion functions, include the header  file



Curve Construction



CCDK/3D provides two groups of curve construction functions.  One  set

creates single-segment curves, and the other creates polycurves,  which are

multi-segment chains of lines and arcs.


The following functions create single-segment curves:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3d_line                             | to construct a line defined by two  |

|                                      | points                              |

| c3d_line_dir                         | to construct a line defined by a    |

|                                      | point and a direction  vector       |

| c3d_ray                              | to construct a line defined by a    |

|                                      | point and the spherical  angles of  |

|                                      | its direction                       |

| c3d_arc_3pts                         | to create an arc passing through    |

|                                      | three points                        |

| c3d_arc_2pts_tan                     | to construct an arc starting at     |

|                                      | one point with a specified          |

|                                      | tangent, and ending at another      |

|                                      | point                               |

| c3d_arc_2pts_ctr                     | to construct an arc with a given    |

|                                      | center, starting at one  point and  |

|                                      | ending at another                   |

| c3d_circle                           | to construct a circle defined by a  |

|                                      | center point, normal and  a radius  |



@TABLEHEAD = The following functions construct splines.  They are  available

only when the symbol SPLINE is defined:




The following functions create polycurves:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3d_pcurve_init                      | to start a polycurve                |

| c3d_pcurve_through                   | to create a polygonal polycurve     |

|                                      | through a set of points             |

| c3d_pcurve_add_arc_2pts              | to add an arc to the end of a       |

|                                      | polycurve starting at the end       |

|                                      | point, and passing through two      |

|                                      | given points                        |

| c3d_pcurve_add_arc_tan               | to add an arc to the end of a       |

|                                      | polycurve tangent to the  endpoint  |

|                                      | and ending at a specified point     |

| c3d_pcurve_add_arc_ctr_pt            | to add an arc to the end of a       |

|                                      | polycurve starting at the end       |

|                                      | point, having a specified center,   |

|                                      | and ending at a specified point     |

| c3d_pcurve_add_line                  | to add a line segment to the end    |

|                                      | of a polyline                       |

| c3d_pcurve_add_line_tan              | to add a line to the end of a       |

|                                      | polycurve tangent to the  end       |

|                                      | point, and ending at a specified    |

|                                      | point                               |

| c3d_pcurve_remove_last               | to remove the last segment from a   |

|                                      | polycurve                           |

| c3d_pcurve_close                     | to add a segment to close a         |

|                                      | polycurve                           |



The function c3d_pcurve_segment creates a C3_CURVE object from  a specified

segment of a 3D polycurve.


The function c3d_curve_to_spline converts all curve types to  splines. 


The function c3d_free_curve frees curves.


When using curve construction functions, include the header file  c3ddefs.h.


Curve Copying



CCDK/3D provides a number of curve copying functions.  Many of these

functions not only copy a curve, but also apply some other operation  such as

transformation or trimming.


The function c3d_copy creates an identical copy of a  curve.


The following functions make transformed copies of 3D  curves:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3d_rotate                           | to create a curve which is the      |

|                                      | rotation of a curve                 |

| c3d_rotate_cs                        | to create a curve which is the      |

|                                      | rotation of a curve; the  rotation  |

|                                      | angle is specified with its cosine  |

|                                      | and sine; this routine  makes       |

|                                      | rotating batches of geometry more   |

|                                      | efficient                           |

| c3d_scale                            | to create a curve which is the      |

|                                      | scale of a curve                    |

| c3d_translate                        | to create a curve which is the      |

|                                      | translation of a curve              |

| c3d_mirror                           | to create a curve which is the      |

|                                      | mirror image of a curve  about a    |

|                                      | plane                               |

| c3d_transform                        | to create a copy of a curve, and    |

|                                      | to transform the copy               |



The following functions make trimmed copies of 3D  curves:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3d_trim0                            | to create a curve by copying a      |

|                                      | curve and trimming away the         |

|                                      | "start portion" of the copy; the    |

|                                      | portion of the copy from the        |

|                                      | trimming point to the end point is  |

|                                      | retained ; the trimming point is    |

|                                      | specified with a parameter record   |

| c3d_trim1                            | to create a curve by copying a      |

|                                      | curve and trimming away the  "end   |

|                                      | portion" of the copy; the portion   |

|                                      | of the copy from the start  point   |

|                                      | to the trimming point is retained;  |

|                                      | the trimming point is specified     |

|                                      | with a parameter record             |

| c3d_trim                             | to create a curve by copying a      |

|                                      | curve and trimming away both  ends  |

|                                      | of the copy; the portion of the     |

|                                      | copy between the trimming  points   |

|                                      | is retained; the trimming points    |

|                                      | are specified with  parameter       |

|                                      | records                             |

| c3d_trim_t0                          | to create a curve by copying a      |

|                                      | curve and trimming away the         |

|                                      | "start portion" of the copy; the    |

|                                      | portion of the copy from the        |

|                                      | trimming  point to the end point    |

|                                      | is retained; the trimming point is  |

|                                      | specified  with a parameter value   |

| c3d_trim_t1                          | to create a curve by copying a      |

|                                      | curve and trimming away the  "end   |

|                                      | portion" of the copy; the portion   |

|                                      | of the copy from the start  point   |

|                                      | to the trimming point is retained;  |

|                                      | the trimming point is specified     |

|                                      | with a parameter value              |

| c3d_trim_t                           | to create a curve by copying a      |

|                                      | curve and trimming away both  ends  |

|                                      | of the copy; the portion of the     |

|                                      | copy between the trimming  points   |

|                                      | is retained; the trimming points    |

|                                      | are specified with  parameter       |

|                                      | values                              |



The following functions create copies of 3D curves  projected on specified




| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3d_project_normal                   | to create a curve which is the      |

|                                      | orthogonal projection of a          |

|                                      | specified curve onto a specified    |

|                                      | plane                               |

| c3d_project_oblique                  | to create a curve which is the      |

|                                      | projection of a specified  curve    |

|                                      | onto a specified plane along a      |

|                                      | specified direction                 |

| ng                                   |  @SECTION = Curve Modification      |



The following functions modify 3D curves by rotating,  scaling, translation

and mirroring them:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3c_rotate                           | to rotate a curve about an axis     |

| c3c_rotate_cs                        | to rotate a curve about an axis     |

|                                      | given the cosine and sine of  the   |

|                                      | rotation angle                      |

| c3c_scale                            | to scale a curve                    |

| c3c_translate                        | to translate a curve                |

| c3c_mirror                           | to mirror a curve about a plane     |

| c3c_transform                        | to transform a curve                |



The following functions project 3D curves onto planes:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3c_project_normal                   | to project a curve orthogonally     |

|                                      | onto a specified plane              |

| c3c_project_oblique                  | to project a curve onto a           |

|                                      | specified plane along a  specified  |

|                                      | direction                           |



The following functions trim 3D curves:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3c_trim0                            | to trim away the "start portion"    |

|                                      | of a curve; the portion of  the     |

|                                      | curve from the trimming point to    |

|                                      | the end point is retained; the      |

|                                      | trimming point is specified with a  |

|                                      | parameter record                    |

| c3c_trim1                            | to trim away the "end portion" of   |

|                                      | a curve; the portion of  the curve  |

|                                      | from the start point to the         |

|                                      | trimming point is retained; the     |

|                                      | trimming point is specified with a  |

|                                      | parameter record                    |

| c3c_trim                             | to trim away both ends of a curve;  |

|                                      | the portion of the curve  between   |

|                                      | the trimming points is retained;    |

|                                      | the trimming points are  specified  |

|                                      | with parameter records              |

| c3c_trim_t0                          | to trim away the "start portion"    |

|                                      | of a curve; the portion of  the     |

|                                      | curve from the trimming point to    |

|                                      | the end point is retained; the      |

|                                      | trimming point is specified with a  |

|                                      | parameter value                     |

| c3c_trim_t1                          | to trim away the "end portion" of   |

|                                      | a curve; the portion of  the curve  |

|                                      | from the start point to the         |

|                                      | trimming point is retained; the     |

|                                      | trimming point is specified with a  |

|                                      | parameter value                     |

| c3c_trim_t                           | to trim away both ends of a curve;  |

|                                      | the portion of the curve  between   |

|                                      | the trimming points is retained;    |

|                                      | the trimming points are  specified  |

|                                      | with parameter values               |



When using curve modification functions, include the header file  c3cdefs.h.


Curve Evaluation



The following functions compute coordinates and  tangent vectors at the start

and end points of 3D curves:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3c_ept0                             | to compute the coordinates of the   |

|                                      | start point of a curve              |

| c3c_ept1                             | to compute the coordinates of the   |

|                                      | end point of a curve                |

| c3c_ept_tan0                         | to evaluate the coordinates and     |

|                                      | the tangent vector at the  start    |

|                                      | point of a curve                    |

| c3c_ept_tan1                         | to evaluate the coordinates and     |

|                                      | the tangent vector at the  end      |

|                                      | point of a curve                    |

| c3c_etan0                            | to evaluate the tangent vector at   |

|                                      | the start point of a curve          |

| c3c_etan1                            | to evaluate the tangent vector at   |

|                                      | the end point of a curve            |

| c3c_closed                           | to determine if a curve is closed   |



The following functions compute coordinates and tangent  vectors at any

specified point on a 3D curve:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3c_eval_pt                          | to compute or to evaluate the       |

|                                      | coordinates of a point on a  curve  |

|                                      | specified by a curve parameter      |

|                                      | record                              |

| c3c_eval_pt_tan                      | to evaluate the coordinates and     |

|                                      | the tangent vector of a curve  at   |

|                                      | a location specified by a curve     |

|                                      | parameter record                    |

| c3c_eval_tan                         | to evaluate a tangent vector of a   |

|                                      | curve at a location specified  by   |

|                                      | a curve parameter record            |

| c3c_info_curve                       | to print information about a curve  |



The function c3c_length computes the length of a 3D curve.


The function c3c_project projects a points onto a 3D curve.  A  related

function, c3c_select, determines if a point is within  a specified distance

from a 3D curve.


The following functions compute information about curves  which are arcs,

circles and ellipses.



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3c_get_arc_data                     | to obtain the center, radius,       |

|                                      | normal and sweep of a 3D arc        |

| c3c_get_arc_radius                   | to obtain the radius of an arc      |

| c3c_get_arc_center                   | to obtain the center point of an    |

|                                      | arc                                 |

| c3c_get_arc_normal                   | to obtain the start angle of an     |

|                                      | arc; the result is in radians       |

| c3c_get_arc_sweep                    | to obtain the sweep of an arc; the  |

|                                      | result is in radians                |

| c3c_arc_angle                        | to compute the arc angle            |

|                                      | corresponding to a specified        |

|                                      | curve parameter                     |

| c3c_arc_parm                         | to compute the arc curve parameter  |

|                                      | corresponding to a  specified       |

|                                      | angle                               |

| c3c_get_ellipse_data                 | to obtain the center, major and     |

|                                      | minor axes of an ellipse;           |

|                                      | available only if SPLINE is         |

|                                      | defined                             |

| c3c_get_pcurve_data                  | to obtain information about a       |

|                                      | specified segment of a  polycurve   |



Include c3cdefs.h when using arc, ellipse and polycurve  information



The following functions create linear interpolations,  or "polygonal

approximations", of 3D curves.  The precision of  approximation is controlled

by a specified maximum chordal deviation  from the curve being interpolated.



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3c_approx                           | to compute a linear approximation   |

|                                      | of a curve                          |

| c3c_approx_init                      | to initialize a linear              |

|                                      | approximation of a curve            |



When using curve evaluation functions, include the header file  c3cdefs.h.


2D <-> 3D Curve Conversion



The following functions convert curves from 3D format  to 2D, and vice versa.




| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3c_on_plane                         | to determine if a 3D curve is on a  |

|                                      | plane                               |

| c3c_plane                            | to determine the plane on which a   |

|                                      | 3D curve lies                       |

| c3c_curves_plane                     | to determine the plane on which a   |

|                                      | set of 3D curves lie                |

| c3d_convert_3d2d                     | to convert a 3D curve into a 2D     |

|                                      | curve in a specified local          |

|                                      | coordinate system                   |

| c3d_convert_2d3d                     | to convert a 2D curve in a          |

|                                      | specified local coordinate system   |

|                                      | into a 3D curve                     |



When using curve conversion functions, include the header file  c3cdefs.h or

c3ddefs.h, depending on the prefix.


Bounding Box Construction and Testing



The following functions create and modify bounding  boxes:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3a_box                              | to allocate a bounding box          |

| c3a_box_init_pt                      | to initialize both corners of a     |

|                                      | bounding box to a point             |

| c3a_box_append_pt                    | to expand a bounding box to         |

|                                      | contain a point                     |

| c3a_box_append                       | to expand a bounding box to         |

|                                      | contain another bounding box        |

| c3a_box_union                        | to create a bounding box that       |

|                                      | contains two bounding boxes         |

| c3a_free_box                         | to free a bounding box              |

| c3a_box_copy                         | to copy a bounding box              |



The following function determine if bounding boxes  overlap:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3a_box_overlap                      | to determine if two bounding boxes  |

|                                      | overlap                             |

| c3a_box_w_overlap                    | to determine if two bounding boxes  |

|                                      | overlap, or are within  a           |

|                                      | specified distance                  |



When using bounding box functions, include the header file  c3adefs.h.


Transform Construction and Evaluation



The following functions create and modify 3D transforms:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3t_create                           | to create an identity transform     |

| c3t_mirror                           | to construct a 3D transform for     |

|                                      | mirroring about a plane             |

| c3t_rotate                           | to construct a 3D transform for     |

|                                      | rotating about an axis by a  given  |

|                                      | angle                               |

| c3t_rotate_cs                        | to construct a 3D transform for     |

|                                      | rotating about an axis,  where the  |

|                                      | rotation axis is specified with     |

|                                      | its cosine and sine                 |

| c3t_scale                            | to construct a 3D transform for     |

|                                      | scaling about a point               |

| c3t_translate                        | to construct a 3D transform for     |

|                                      | translating                         |

| c3t_inverse                          | to compute the inverse of a 3D      |

|                                      | transform                           |

| c3t_orthogonal                       | to determine if a transform is      |

|                                      | orthogonal                          |

| c3t_lcs                              | to compute a transform for          |

|                                      | transforming objects from the       |

|                                      | global coordinate system to a       |

|                                      | local coordinate system             |

| c3t_mult                             | to multiply two transforms          |

| c3t_free                             | to free a transform                 |



The following functions transform points and vectors:



| Function                             | Use                                 |


| c3t_eval_pt                          | to transform a point                |

| c3t_eval_vec                         | to transform a vector               |



When using transform functions, include the header file  c3tdefs.h.


Alphabetized Reference





***>> c3a_box  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


C3_BOX c3a_box ( min_pt, max_pt );


****** Description ******


This function creates a bounding box initialized to the rectangular  prism

defined by two given points.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | min_pt, max_pt     | the lower left back and      |

|                        |                    | upper right front corner     |

|                        |                    | points of  the bounding box;  |

|                        |                    | if either is NULL, the       |

|                        |                    | bounding box is created,     |

|                        |                    | but not initialized          |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a pointer to a bounding box.  If memory could  not be

allocated, NULL is returned.


****** Example  ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3adefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p0, p1;

      C3_BOX box;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 6.0, 4.0, p1 );

      box = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3a_free_box ( box );


This program creates a bounding box with corners (2,3,1) and (5,6,4).


***>> c3a_box_append <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


void c3a_box_append ( box, append_box );


****** Description ******


This routine expands a bounding box to include another bounding box.


****** Input ******



| C3_BOX                 | box                | the box to expand            |


| C3_BOX                 | append_box         | the box fitted into the      |

|                        |                    | expanded box                 |



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3adefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p0, p1;

      C3_BOX box0, box1;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 6.0, 4.0, p1 );

      box0 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3v_set ( 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 7.0, 8.0, 6.0, p1 );

      box1 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3a_box_append ( box0, box1 );

      c3a_free_box ( box0 );

      c3a_free_box ( box1 );


This program creates two bounding boxes and then expands the first  to

include the second. 


***>> c3a_box_append_pt  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


void c3a_box_append_pt ( box, pt );


****** Description ******


This routine expands a bounding box to include a point.


****** Input ******



| C3_BOX                 | box                | the box to expand            |


| PT3                    | pt                 | a point                      |



****** Example  ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3adefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p0, p1, p;

      C3_BOX box0;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 6.0, 5.0, p1 );

      box0 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3v_set ( 7.0, 8.0, 7.0, p );

      c3a_box_append_pt ( box0, p );

      c3a_free_box ( box0 );


This program expands a bounding box to include a point.


***>> c3a_box_copy  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


void c3a_box_copy ( box0, box1 );


****** Description ******


This function copies a bounding box.


****** Input ******



| C3_BOX                 | box0               | the box to copy              |



****** Output ******



| C3_BOX                 | box1               | the copy; this box must be   |

|                        |                    | created by the caller        |



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3adefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p0, p1, origin;

      C3_BOX box0, box1 ;

      c3v_set ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, origin );

      box1 = c3a_box ( origin, origin );

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 6.0, 4.0, p1 );

      box0 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3a_box_copy ( box0, box1 );

      c3a_free_box ( box0 );

      c3a_free_box ( box1 );


This program makes box1 a copy of box0.


***>> c3a_box_init_pt  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


void c3a_box_init_pt ( box, pt );


****** Description ******


This function initializes the lower left back and upper right front  corners

of a bounding box to the same point.  The result is a rectangular  prism with

zero volume.


****** Input ******



| C3_BOX                 | box                | the box to initialize        |


| PT3                    | pt                 | the point to initialize the  |

|                        |                    | box to                       |



****** Example  ******


#include <c3adefs.h>

#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p;

      C3_BOX box = c3a_box ( NULL, NULL );

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, p );

      c3a_box_init_pt ( box, p );

      c3a_free_box ( box );


This program creates a bounding box with both corners (2.0,3.0,0.0).


***>> c3a_box_overlap  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3a_box_overlap ( box1, box2 );


****** Description ******


This routine determines if two bounding boxes overlap.


****** Input ******



| C3_BOX                 | box1, box2         | the bounding boxes to test   |

|                        |                    | for overlap                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the boxes overlap; it is FALSE otherwise.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3adefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p0, p1;

      C3_BOX box0, box1;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 6.0, 4.0, p1 );

      box0 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3v_set ( 3.0, 4.0, 2.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 7.0, 8.0, 6.0, p1 );

      box1 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      if ( c3a_box_overlap ( box0, box1 ) )

            printf ( "boxes overlap\n" );

      c3a_free_box ( box0 );

      c3a_free_box ( box1 );


This program tests two bounding boxes to determine if they overlap,  and

returns TRUE in this particular example.


***>> c3a_box_union  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


void c3a_box_union ( box1, box2, box );


****** Description ******


This function computes the bounding box that encloses two bounding  boxes.


****** Input ******



| C3_BOX                 | box1, box2         | the boxes to enclose         |



****** Output ******



| C3_BOX                 | box                | the box that contains both   |

|                        |                    | input boxes                  |



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3adefs.h>

void main()


      PT3 p0, p1;

      C3_BOX box0, box1, box;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 6.0, 4.0, p1 );

      box0 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3v_set ( 3.0, 4.0, 2.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 7.0, 8.0, 6.0, p1 );

      box1 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      box = c3a_box ( NULL, NULL );

      c3a_box_union ( box0, box1, box );

      c3a_free_box ( box );

      c3a_free_box ( box0 );

      c3a_free_box ( box1 );


This program computes the bounding box that encloses two boxes.


***>> c3a_box_w_overlap  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3a_box_w_overlap ( box1, box2, w );


****** Description ******


This function determines if two boxes are less than a given distance  apart.


****** Input ******



| C3_BOX                 | box1, box2         | the boxes to test            |


| REAL                   | w                  | the separation distance      |



****** Return Value ******


If the boxes overlap or are separated by a distance less than the  given

distance, the return value is TRUE; otherwise it is FALSE.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3adefs.h>

void main()


      PT3 p0, p1;

      C3_BOX box0, box1;

      REAL w = 1.0;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 6.0, 4.0, p1 );

      box0 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3v_set ( 5.5, 6.5, 4.5, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 7.0, 8.0, 6.0, p1 );

      box1 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      if ( c3a_box_w_overlap ( box0, box1, w ) )

            printf ( "boxes overlap or are less " );

            printf ( "than 1 unit apart\n" );

      c3a_free_box ( box0 );

      c3a_free_box ( box1 );


This program determines if two bounding boxes overlap or are less  than 1

unit apart.


***>> c3a_free_box  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3adefs.h>


void c3a_free_box ( box );


****** Description ******


This function frees a bounding box.


****** Input ******



| C3_BOX                 | box                | the box to free              |



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3adefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p0, p1;

      C3_BOX box0;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, p0 );

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 6.0, 4.0, p1 );

      box0 = c3a_box ( p0, p1 );

      c3a_free_box ( box0 );


This program creates and frees a bounding box.




***>> c3c_approx <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_approx ( curve, parm1, current_parm,  max_dist, dir, pt_buffer,

parm_buffer, buf_size, index );


****** Description ******


This function computes the vertices of a polygon that approximates a  curve.

The polygon does not deviate from the curve by more than a  specified



If dir is TRUE, the polygon follows the curve away from its  start point and

toward its end point; otherwise the polygon follows  the curve in the

opposite direction.


The vertices of the polygon are stored in a caller-supplied array of  points.



If the number of points required for an approximating polygon is  greater

than the number that will fit into the array, this function  fills the array,

marks the location of the last point with  current_parm, and returns FALSE to

indicate that the entire  polygon was not computed.  The next call to this

function begins the  approximating polygon at the location specified by

current_parm.  Thus, if a polygon cannot be generated with  one call, it can

be generated with successive calls.


Prior to generating a polygon with this function, the  argument current_parm

should be initialized with  the c3c_approx_init function.


This function optionally computes the curve parameters that  correspond to

the vertices of the polygon.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve from which the    |

|                        |                    | polygon is to be             |

|                        |                    | constructed                  |


| PARM                   | parm1              | ending parameter value; the  |

|                        |                    | polygon will end at  the     |

|                        |                    | point corresponding to this  |

|                        |                    | parameter value; if this     |

|                        |                    | argument is NULL, the        |

|                        |                    | polygon ends at the end      |

|                        |                    | point of  the curve          |


| PARM                   | current_parm       | on input, this argument      |

|                        |                    | marks the location of the    |

|                        |                    | first point to be computed;  |

|                        |                    | on output, this argument     |

|                        |                    | marks the location of the    |

|                        |                    | last point computed; this    |

|                        |                    | parameter must  be           |

|                        |                    | initialized with             |

|                        |                    | c3c_approx_init before       |

|                        |                    | starting the  approximation  |


| REAL                   | max_dist           | the maximum allowed chordal  |

|                        |                    | deviation of the polygon     |

|                        |                    | from  the curve              |


| BOOLEAN                | dir                | the direction to follow; if  |

|                        |                    | TRUE, the polygon follows    |

|                        |                    | the  "natural" direction of  |

|                        |                    | the curve; if FALSE, the     |

|                        |                    | polygon runs against  this   |

|                        |                    | direction                    |


| PT3 *                  | pt_buffer          | an array of buf_size points;  |

|                        |                    | if this  argument is NULL,   |

|                        |                    | the points are not computed   |


| PARM *                 | parm_buffer        | an array of buf_size         |

|                        |                    | parameter records; if this   |

|                        |                    | argument is NULL, the        |

|                        |                    | parameters are not computed   |


| INT                    | buf_size           | the number of points and/or  |

|                        |                    | parameters that can  be held  |

|                        |                    | by the provided arrays       |



****** Output ******



| INT *                  | index              | the number of points and/or  |

|                        |                    | parameters that were         |

|                        |                    | computed;  this number is    |

|                        |                    | buf_size if the arrays are   |

|                        |                    | completely filled;  it is    |

|                        |                    | less than buf_size if the    |

|                        |                    | number of points required to  |

|                        |                    |  approximate the curve is    |

|                        |                    | less than buf_size; this     |

|                        |                    | argument is  passed by       |

|                        |                    | reference                    |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the polygon has reached the point on  the curve

where the polygon should end; otherwise it returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>

#define BUF_SIZE 50


DML_LIST polygonize_curve ( curve, max_dist )

C3_CURVE curve ;

REAL max_dist ;


      PT3 pt_buffer[BUF_SIZE] ;

      DML_LIST pt_list = dml_create_list();

      PARM_S curve_parm ;

      BOOLEAN end_bit, dir = FALSE;

      INT index, i ;


      c3c_approx_init ( curve, NULL, &curve_parm, dir ) ;


      do {

            end_bit = c3c_approx ( curve, NULL, &curve_parm, max_dist,

                        dir, pt_buffer, NULL, BUF_SIZE, &index ) ;

            for ( i=0 ; i < index ; i++ )

                  dml_append_data ( pt_list, pt_buffer[i] ) ;

      } while ( !end_bit ) ;

      return ( pt_list ) ;




***>> c3c_approx_init <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void c3c_approx_init ( curve, parm0, start_parm,  dir );


****** Description ******


This function initializes the parameter record used in calls to  c3c_approx

to mark the "current" point of a polygon.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | the curve that will be       |

|                        |                    | approximated                 |


| PARM                   | parm0              | the parameter value of the   |

|                        |                    | point where the polygon      |

|                        |                    | should  begin; if this       |

|                        |                    | parameter is NULL, the       |

|                        |                    | polygon begins at the start  |

|                        |                    | or  end point of the curve,  |

|                        |                    | depending on the value of    |

|                        |                    | dir                          |


| BOOLEAN                | dir                | the direction that the       |

|                        |                    | polygon will follow along    |

|                        |                    | the curve;  if TRUE, the     |

|                        |                    | polygon will follow the      |

|                        |                    | "natural" direction of the   |

|                        |                    | curve; if FALSE, it will     |

|                        |                    | follow the opposite          |

|                        |                    | direction                    |



****** Output ******



| PARM                   | start_parm         | the parameter record         |

|                        |                    | initialized to the parameter  |

|                        |                    |  value of the start point of  |

|                        |                    | the polygon.                 |



****** Example ******


See example for the routine c3c_approx.


***>> c3c_arc_angle <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_arc_angle ( curve, parm, angle ) ;


****** Description ******


This function computes the arc angle that corresponds to a specified  curve

parameter.  The angle is expressed relative to the start of  the arc, and in



****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | an arc                       |


| PARM                   | parm               | a curve parameter            |



****** Output ******



| REAL *                 | angle              | the angle in radians that    |

|                        |                    | corresponds to the curve     |

|                        |                    | parameter                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the input curve is an arc; it is FALSE



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void pr_arc_angle ( arc, parm )

C3_CURVE arc ;

PARM parm ;


      REAL angle;


      if ( c3c_arc_angle ( arc, parm, &angle ) )

            printf ( "angle: %lf\n", angle );

      else printf ( "Curve is not an arc\n" ) ;



This subroutine prints the arc angle corresponding to a curve  parameter.


***>> c3c_arc_parm <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_arc_parm ( curve, angle, parm ) ;


****** Description ******


This function computes the curve parameter that corresponds to an  arc angle.

 The arc angle is measured relative to the start of the  arc.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | an arc                       |


| REAL                   | angle              | an arc angle expressed in    |

|                        |                    | radians                      |



****** Output ******



| PARM                   | parm               | the curve parameter that     |

|                        |                    | corresponds to the angle     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the input curve is an arc; it is FALSE



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void pr_arc_parm ( arc, angle )

C3_CURVE arc ;

REAL angle ;


      PARM_S parm_s;

      PARM parm = &parm_s;


      if ( c3c_arc_parm ( arc, angle, parm ) )

            printf ( "parameter: %lf\n", PARM_T(parm) );

      else printf ( "Curve is not an arc\n" ) ;



This subroutine prints the curve parameter corresponding to an arc  angle.




***>> c3c_closed  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_closed ( curve );


****** Description ******


This function determines if a curve forms a closed loop,  i.e. its start and

end points are coincident.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the curve is closed.  Otherwise it returns



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void check_closed ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      if ( c3c_closed ( curve ) )

            printf ( "The curve is closed.\n" ) ;


            printf ( "The curve is not closed.\n" ) ;


This routine checks if a given curve is closed, and prints out an

appropriate message.




***>> c3c_curves_plane <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_curves_plane ( curvelist, normal,  dist_ptr, status_ptr );


****** Description ******


This function computes the normal vector and distance from the origin  of the

plane in which a set of curves lie.  If the curves are not on a plane, FALSE

is returned.


****** Input ******



| DML_LIST               | curvelist          | a list of curves             |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane that the curves lie on  |


| REAL *                 | dist_ptr           | the distance from the origin  |

|                        |                    | to the plane along the       |

|                        |                    | normal  direction            |


| C3_PLANE_STATUS *      | status_ptr         | status of plane computation;  |

|                        |                    | may be NULL                  |



The argument status will be set to one of the  following values when this

routine returns:



| Value                                | Meaning                             |


| C3_PLANE_DET                         | the curves determine a plane        |

| C3_PLANE_OVER_DET                    | the curves are not planar           |

| C3_PLANE_UNDER_DET                   | the curves do not determine a       |

|                                      | unique plane                        |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was successful.  Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void print_plane ( curves )

DML_LIST curves ;


      PT3 n;

      REAL d;

      C3_PLANE_STATUS status;

      if ( !c3c_curves_plane ( curves, n, &d, &status ) )

            printf ( "Curves are not in one plane.\n" ) ;


            printf ( "normal dist: %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",

                  PT3_X(n), PT3_Y(n), PT3_Z(n), d );


This routine prints out the normal vector and distance from the  origin of

the plane in which a set of curves lie.




***>> c3c_ept0  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_ept0 ( curve, pt );


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the start point of a curve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a curve                      |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | pt                 | the start point of the input  |

|                        |                    | curve                        |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void spline4_ept0 ( a, ept0 )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 ept0 ;


      C3_CURVE curve ;


      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 );

      if ( !c3c_ept0 ( curve, ept0 ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline passing through four given points, and  then

computes the start point of this curve.




***>> c3c_ept1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_ept1 ( curve, pt );


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the end point of a curve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | pt                 | the end point of the curve   |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void spline4_ept1 ( a, ept1 )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 ept1 ;


      C3_CURVE curve ;


      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 ) ;

      if ( !c3c_ept1 ( curve, ept1 ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline with four through points, and  then computes

the end point of this curve.




***>> c3c_ept_tan0  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_ept_tan0 ( curve, pt, tan_vec );


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the coordinate and the tangent  vector at the start

point of a curve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | pt                 | the start point of the       |

|                        |                    | curve; if this argument is   |

|                        |                    | NULL, the  start point is    |

|                        |                    | not computed                 |


| PT3                    | tan_vec            | the start tangent of the     |

|                        |                    | curve; if this argument is   |

|                        |                    | NULL, the  start tangent is  |

|                        |                    | not computed                 |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void spline4_ept_tan0 ( a, pt0, tan0 )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 pt0, tan0 ;


      C3_CURVE curve ;

      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 ) ;

      if ( !c3c_ept_tan0 ( curve, pt0, tan0 ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline passing through four given points, and  then

computes its start point and the tangent vector at this point.




***>> c3c_ept_tan1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_ept_tan1 ( curve, pt, tan_vec );


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the coordinates and the tangent  vector at the end

point of a curve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | pt                 | the end point of the curve;  |

|                        |                    | if this argument is NULL,    |

|                        |                    | the  end point is not        |

|                        |                    | computed                     |


| PT3                    | tan_vec            | the end tangent of the       |

|                        |                    | curve; if this argument is   |

|                        |                    | NULL, the  end tangent is    |

|                        |                    | not computed                 |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void spline4_ept_tan1 ( a, pt1, tan1 )

PT3 *a;

PT3 pt1, tan1 ;


      C3_CURVE curve ;

      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 );

      if ( !c3c_ept_tan1 ( curve, pt1, tan1 ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline with four through points, and  then computes

its end point and the tangent vector at this point.




***>> c3c_etan0  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_etan0 ( curve, tan_vec );


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the start tangent vector of a  curve. This vector is

not necessarily a unit vector.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | tan_vec            | the start tangent of the     |

|                        |                    | curve                        |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void spline4_tan0 ( a, tan0 )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 tan0 ;


      C3_CURVE curve ;

      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 ) ;

      if ( !c3c_etan0 ( curve, tan0 ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline with four through points, and  then computes

tangent vector at the start point of this curve.




***>> c3c_etan1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_etan1 ( curve, tan_vec );


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the end tangent vector of a  curve. This vector is

not necessarily a unit vector.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | tan_vec            | the end tangent of the curve  |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void spline4_tan1 ( a, tan1 )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 tan1 ;


      C3_CURVE curve ;

      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 ) ;

      if ( !c3c_etan1 ( curve, tan1 ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline with four through points, and  then computes

tangent vector at the end point of this curve.




***>> c3c_eval  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_eval ( curve, parm, p, x );


****** Description ******


This routine evaluates a point on a curve, as well as the  derivatives of the

curve at that point of up to a given  order p. The location where the

evaluation should  be performed is specified with a curve parameter record.

The results of the computations are stored in an array of  points which has

dimension p+1 and is supplied by  the caller.


The derivatives are computed with respect to the parameterization of  the

curve, and therefore are particularly useful for applications  based on the

Newton-Raphson method.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PARM                   | parm               | the parameter specifying the  |

|                        |                    | location on the  curve where  |

|                        |                    | the evaluation should be     |

|                        |                    | performed                    |


| INT                    | p                  | the maximun derivative       |

|                        |                    | order; 0 means compute the   |

|                        |                    | coordinates of the point     |

|                        |                    | only; 1 means compute the    |

|                        |                    | coordinates and  the first   |

|                        |                    | derivative                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | x[0]               | the point on the curve       |


| PT3                    | x[1],...,x[p]      | the derivatives of the curve  |

|                        |                    | at x[0]                      |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void spline4_mid_pt ( a, mid_pt )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 mid_pt[3] ;


      PARM_S parm ;

      C3_CURVE curve ;


      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 ) ;

      PARM_SET ( 0.5 * C3_CURVE_T1(curve), &parm ) ;

      if ( !c3c_eval ( curve, &parm, 2, mid_pt ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline that passes through four points.  Then  it

computes the midpoint of the spline, as well as the first and  second

derivatives at that point.




***>> c3c_eval_pt  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_eval_pt ( curve, parm, pt );


****** Description ******


This routine evaluates the point on a curve corresponding  to a curve

parameter record.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PARM                   | parm               | the curve parameter          |

|                        |                    | specifying the location of   |

|                        |                    | the point on the curve       |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | pt                 | the point on the curve       |

|                        |                    | corresponding to the curve   |

|                        |                    | parameter                    |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>

void spline4_mid_pt ( a, mid_pt )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 mid_pt ;


      PARM_S parm ;

      C3_CURVE curve ;

      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 ) ;

      PARM_SET ( 0.5 * C3_CURVE_T1(curve), &parm ) ;

      if ( !c3c_eval_pt ( curve, &parm, mid_pt ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline passing through four points, and then  computes

midpoint of this curve.




***>> c3c_eval_pt_tan  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_eval_pt_tan ( curve, parm, pt,  tan_vec );


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the coordinates and the tangent  vector of a point on

a curve. The location of the point  is specified with a curve parameter



****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PARM                   | parm               | a curve parameter record     |

|                        |                    | specifying the location  on  |

|                        |                    | the curve where the          |

|                        |                    | evaluation should be         |

|                        |                    | performed                    |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | pt                 | the point on the curve       |

|                        |                    | corresponding to the curve   |

|                        |                    | parameter record; if this    |

|                        |                    | argument is NULL, the point  |

|                        |                    | is  not computed             |


| PT3                    | tan_vec            | the tangent vector at the    |

|                        |                    | point corresponding to  the  |

|                        |                    | curve parameter record; the  |

|                        |                    | computed tangent vector  is  |

|                        |                    | not necessarily a unit       |

|                        |                    | vector; if this argument is   |

|                        |                    | NULL, the tangent vector is  |

|                        |                    | not computed                 |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void spline4_mid_pt_tan ( a, mid_pt, mid_tan )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 mid_pt, mid_tan ;


      PARM_S parm ;

      C3_CURVE curve ;


      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 ) ;

      PARM_SET ( 0.5 * C3_CURVE_T1(curve), &parm ) ;

      if ( !c3c_eval_pt_tan ( curve, &parm, mid_pt, mid_tan ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline passing through four points, and then  computes

the coordinates of, and tangent vector at, its midpoint.




***>> c3c_eval_tan  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_eval_tan ( curve, parm, tan_vec );


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the tangent vector of a curve at  the location

specified by a curve parameter record. The  computed tangent vector is not

necessarily a unit vector.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PARM                   | parm               | a curve parameter record     |

|                        |                    | specifying the location  on  |

|                        |                    | the curve at which to        |

|                        |                    | evaluate the tangent vector   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | tan_vec            | the tangent vector at the    |

|                        |                    | point on the curve           |

|                        |                    | specified by the curve       |

|                        |                    | parameter record             |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>

void spline4_mid_tan ( a, mid_tan )

PT3 *a ; /* four point array */

PT3 mid_tan ;


      PARM_S parm ;

      C3_CURVE curve ;

      curve = c3d_spline ( a, 4 ) ;

      PARM_SET ( 0.5 * C3_CURVE_T1(curve), &parm ) ;

      if ( !c3c_eval_tan ( curve, &parm, mid_tan ) )

            printf ( "Evaluation failed.\n" ) ;

      c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;


This routine creates a spline with four through points, and  then computes

the tangent vector at the midpoint of this curve.


***>> c3c_get_arc_center  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_get_arc_center ( curve, ctr ) ;


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the center point of an arc. The input curve  must be

an arc.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | an arc                       |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | ctr                | the center of the arc        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the input curve is an arc; it is FALSE



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void pr_arc_ctr ( arc )

C3_CURVE arc ;


      PT3 c ;


      if ( c3c_get_arc_center ( arc, c ) )

            printf ( "Center at %lf, %lf, %lf\n",

                  PT3_X(c), PT3_Y(c), PT3_Z(c) ) ;

      else printf ( "Curve is not an arc\n" ) ;



This subroutine prints the coordinates of the center of an arc.


***>> c3c_get_arc_data  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_get_arc_data ( curve, ctr, rad_ptr,  normal, sweep_ptr ) ;


****** Description ******


This routine evaluates the center, radius, normal vector and sweep.  The

input curve must be an arc.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | an arc                       |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | ctr                | the center of the arc; not   |

|                        |                    | computed if NULL             |


| REAL*                  | rad_ptr            | the radius of the arc; not   |

|                        |                    | computed if NULL             |


| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane of the arc; not        |

|                        |                    | computed if  NULL            |


| REAL *                 | sweep_ptr          | the sweep of the arc; not    |

|                        |                    | computed if NULL             |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the input curve is an arc; it is FALSE



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>

void print_arc_data ( arc )

C3_CURVE arc ;


      PT3 c, n ;

      REAL radius, sweep ;

      if ( c3c_get_arc_data ( arc, c, &radius,

            n, &sweep ) ) {

            printf ( "center: %lf, %lf, %lf\n",

                  PT3_X(c), PT3_Y(c), PT3_Z(c) ) ;

            printf ( "radius %lf\n", radius ) ;

            printf ( "normal: %lf, %lf, %lf\n",

                  PT3_X(n), PT3_Y(n), PT3_Z(n) ) ;

            printf ( "sweep %lf\n", sweep ) ;


      else printf ( "Curve is not an arc\n" ) ;


***>> c3c_get_arc_radius  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_get_arc_radius ( curve, rad_ptr ) ;


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the radius of an arc.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | an arc                       |



****** Output ******



| REAL *                 | rad_ptr            | radius of the arc            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the input curve is an arc; it is FALSE



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void pr_arc_radius ( arc )

C3_CURVE arc ;


      REAL radius ;


      if ( c3c_get_arc_radius ( arc, &radius ) )

            printf ( "The radius is %lf\n", radius ) ;

      else printf ( "Curve is not an arc!\n" ) ;



This subroutine prints the radius of an arc.


***>> c3c_get_arc_sweep  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_get_arc_sweep ( curve, sweep_ptr ) ;


****** Description ******


This function evaluates the sweep of an arc. The angle is given in  radians

and its value falls between 0 and TWO_PI.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | an arc                       |



****** Output ******



| REAL *                 | sweep_ptr          | the sweep angle of the arc   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the input curve is an arc; it is FALSE



@HEADIOG = Example


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void pr_arc_sweep ( arc )

C3_CURVE arc ;


      REAL sweep ;


      if ( c3c_get_arc_sweep ( arc, &sweep ) )

            printf( "The sweep is %lf\n", sweep ) ;

      else printf ( "Curve is not an arc!\n" ) ;



This subroutine prints the sweep of an arc (in radians).


***>> c3c_get_ellipse_data  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_get_ellipse_data ( curve, ctr,  major_axis, minor_axis );


****** Description ******


This function computes the center, the major and minor axis vectors. 


All source code of programs that call this function must be  compiled with

the symbol SPLINE defined.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | an ellipse                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | ctr                | the center of the ellipse    |


| PT3                    | major_axis,        | the major and minor axes     |

|                        | minor_axis         | vectors                      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the input curve is an ellipse; it is  FALSE



****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c3cdefs.h>

void print_ellipse ( ellipse )

C3_CURVE ellipse ;


      PT3 c, u, v ;

      if ( c3c_get_ellipse_data ( ellipse, c, u, v ) ) {

            printf ( "center %lf %lf %lf\n",

                  PT3_X(c), PT3_Y(c), PT3_Z(c) ) ;

            printf ( "major axis: %lf %lf %lf\n",

                  PT3_X(u), PT3_Y(u), PT3_Z(u) ) ;

            printf ( "minor axis: %lf %lf %lf\n",

                  PT3_X(v), PT3_Y(v), PT3_Z(v) ) ;



            printf ( "the curve is not an ellipse\n" ) ;


This function prints information about an ellipse.


***>> c3c_get_pcurve_data  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_get_pcurve_data ( curve, i, is_arc, ctr,  ept1, rad_ptr, normal,

sweep_ptr );


****** Description ******


This function computes information about the ith segment of a  polycurve.


If the segment is a line, the end point is computed.  If it is an  arc, the

center, the radius, the normal vector, and the sweep are  computed in

addition to the end point. The sweep angle is expressed  in radians.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a polycurve                  |


| INT                    | i                  | the index of the segment to  |

|                        |                    | query; the index i           |

|                        |                    | corresponds  to the first    |

|                        |                    | segment                      |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | ctr                | the center point of the ith  |

|                        |                    | segment, if it is an arc;    |

|                        |                    | may be NULL                  |


| PT3                    | ept1               | the endpoint of the ith      |

|                        |                    | segment; may be NULL         |


| REAL *                 | rad_ptr            | the radius of the ith        |

|                        |                    | segment, if it is an arc;    |

|                        |                    | may  be NULL                 |


| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane of the segment, if it  |

|                        |                    | is an  arc;  may be NULL     |


| REAL *                 | sweep_ptr          | the sweep angle of the ith   |

|                        |                    | segment, if it is an arc;    |

|                        |                    | may be NULL                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the input curve is a polycurve, or if  the

segment queried is not the last segment in the polycurve; it is  FALSE



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>

void print_pcurve ( pcurve )

C3_CURVE pcurve ;


INT i, dir ;

BOOLEAN is_arc ;

PT3 ctr, ept1, n ;

REAL rad, sweep ;


      c3c_ept0 ( pcurve, ept1 );

      printf ( "x: %lf  y: %lf  z: %lf\n", PT3_X(ept1),

            PT3_Y(ept1), PT3_Z(ept1) );

      i = 0;




            more = c3c_get_pcurve_data ( pcurve, i, &is_arc, ctr,

                  ept1, &rad, n, &sweep );

            if ( is_arc == TRUE )

                  printf ( "arc segment\n" );

            printf ( "x: %lf  y: %lf  z: %lf\n", PT3_X(ept1),

                  PT3_Y(ept1), PT3_Z(ept1) );



      while ( more == TRUE );


This program computes information about a polycurve.




***>> c3c_info_curve  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void c3c_info_curve ( curve, outfile );


****** Description ******


This function prints out information about a curve to a  file. If the file

parameter is NULL, the output is sent  to stdout.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Output ******



| FILE *                 | outfile            | output file                  |



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void curves_list_info ( curves_list )

DML_LIST curves_list ;


      DML_ITEM item ;

      C3_CURVE curve ;


      DML_WALK_LIST ( curves_list, item ) {

            curve = ( C3_CURVE ) DML_RECORD ( item ) ;

            c3c_info_curve ( curve, NULL ) ;



This routine prints out information about the curves on the list onto the





***>> c3c_length <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


REAL c3c_length ( curve );


****** Description ******


This function computes the length of a curve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value of this function is the length of the  input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


REAL curves_length ( curves_list )

DML_LIST curves_list ;


      REAL length ;

      DML_ITEM item ;

      C3_CURVE curve ;


      length = 0.0 ;

      DML_WALK_LIST ( curves_list, item ) {

            curve = (C3_CURVE) DML_RECORD(item) ;

            length += c3c_length ( curve ) ;


      RETURN ( length ) ;


Given a list of curves, this routine computes the total length of all the

curves on this list.




***>> c3c_mirror  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void c3c_mirror ( curve, n, d );


****** Description ******


This function mirrors a 3D curve about a plane. The plane  is defined by a

normal vector and a distance from the  origin.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PT3                    | n                  | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | mirroring plane              |


| REAL                   | d                  | the normal distance between  |

|                        |                    | the plane and the  origin    |



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void mirror_curve ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      REAL dist ;

      PT3 normal ;


      printf ( "Enter normal vector and " );

      printf ( "distance of the mirror plane\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf%lf", normal, normal+1,

            normal+2, &dist ) ;

      c3c_mirror ( curve, normal, dist ) ;


This subroutine constructs a curve which is a mirror image of the input curve

with respect to the given plane.




***>> c3c_on_plane <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_on_plane ( curve, normal,  dist );


****** Description ******


This function determines if a 3D curve is on a plane.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a curve                      |


| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | dist               | the distance from the origin  |

|                        |                    | to the plane along the       |

|                        |                    | normal  direction            |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the curve lies on the plane. Otherwise  it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void print_on_plane ( curves, n, d )

DML_LIST curves ;

PT3 n;



      C3_CURVE curve;

      DML_ITEM item;


      DML_WALK_LIST ( curves, item ) {

            curve = dml_record ( item );

            if ( !c3c_on_plane ( curve, n, d ) )

                  printf ( "Curve is not on plane.\n" ) ;


                  printf ( "Curve is on plane\n" );



***>> c3c_plane  <<***


****** Summary  ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_plane ( curve, normal,  dist_ptr, status );


****** Description  ******


This function computes the normal vector and distance from the  origin of the

plane in which a curve lies.  If the curve is not  planar, or it is a line,

FALSE is returned.


****** Input  ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a curve                      |



****** Output  ******



| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane that the curve lies in  |

|                        |                    |                              |


| REAL *                 | dist_ptr           | the distance from the origin  |

|                        |                    | to the plane along the       |

|                        |                    | normal  direction            |


| C3_PLANE_STATUS *      | status             | status of plane computation;  |

|                        |                    | may be NULL                  |



If the argument status is not NULL, it will be  set to one of the following

values when this routine returns:



| Value                                | Meaning                             |


| C3_PLANE_DET                         | the curve determines a plane        |

| C3_PLANE_OVER_DET                    | the curve is not planar             |

| C3_PLANE_UNDER_DET                   | the curve does not determine a      |

|                                      | unique plane                        |



****** Return Value  ******


This function returns TRUE if the curve lies in a plane. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example  ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void print_plane ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve;


      PT3 n;

      REAL d;

      C3_PLANE_STATUS status;

      if ( !c3c_plane ( curve, n, &d, &status ) )

            printf ( "Curve is not planar.\n" ) ;


            printf ( "normal dist: %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",

                  PT3_X(n), PT3_Y(n), PT3_Z(n), d );


This routine prints out the normal vector and distance from the  origin of

the plane in which a curve lies.




***>> c3c_project  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_project ( curve, pt, parm, pt_on_curve );


****** Description ******


This function computes the orthogonal projection of a 3D  point onto a 3D



****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PT3                    | pt                 | the point to be projected    |

|                        |                    | onto the curve               |



****** Output ******



| PARM                   | parm               | the address of the curve     |

|                        |                    | parameter record             |

|                        |                    | corresponding to the         |

|                        |                    | orthogonal projection of pt   |

|                        |                    | on the curve                 |


| PT3                    | pt_on_curve        | the coordinates of the       |

|                        |                    | projection of point pt on    |

|                        |                    | the curve; may be NULL       |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the computation was  successful. Otherwise it

returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>

#include <c3vdefs.h>


void projection_point ( curve, pt )

C3_CURVE curve ;

PT3 pt ;


      PARM_S parm ;

      PT3 prj_pt ;


      if ( c3c_project ( curve, pt, &parm, prj_pt ) ) {

            printf ( "Projection point is %lf %lf %lf .\n",

                  PT3_X(prj_pt), PT3_Y(prj_pt), PT3_Z(prj_pt) ) ;

            if ( c3v_ident_pts ( pt, prj_pt ) )

                  printf ( "The point lies on the curve.\n" ) ;



            printf ( "Projection failed.\n" ) ;


This routine projects a point onto a curve.  It also determines if  the point

was orginally on the curve.




***>> c3c_project_normal <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_project_normal ( curve, normal, dist );


****** Description ******


This function projects a curve onto a plane defined by a normal and  distance

from the origin.  The direction of projection is along the  normal of the



****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | the curve to project; this   |

|                        |                    | curve is modified by this    |

|                        |                    | function; it is planar on    |

|                        |                    | output                       |


| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane onto which the curve   |

|                        |                    | is  projected                |


| REAL                   | dist               | the perpendicular distance   |

|                        |                    | between the plane and the    |

|                        |                    | origin                       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void project_curves ( list, n, d )


DML_LIST list;

PT3 n;



      DML_ITEM item;

      C3_CURVE c;


      DML_WALK_LIST ( list, item )


            c = dml_record ( item );

            c3c_project_normal ( c, n, d );



This function projects a list of curves orthogonally onto a plane.




***>> c3c_project_oblique <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_project_oblique ( curve, normal, dist,  direction );


****** Description ******


This function projects a curve onto a plane defined by a normal and  distance

from the origin.  The direction of projection is along a specified direction.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | the curve to project; this   |

|                        |                    | curve is modified by this    |

|                        |                    | function; it is planar on    |

|                        |                    | output                       |


| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane onto which the curve   |

|                        |                    | is  projected                |


| REAL                   | dist               | the perpendicular distance   |

|                        |                    | between the plane and the    |

|                        |                    | origin                       |


| PT3                    | direction          | projection direction         |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve if the projection was  successful.  It is

NULL otherwise.  Two situations where the  projection fails are: (1) when the

normal of the plane is  perpendicular to the projection direction, and (2)

when an arc or  polycurve with circular segments are projected to produce

elliptical  curves, and the symbol SPLINE has not been defined to enable

ellipses and splines.


****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void project_curves ( list, n, d, dir )


DML_LIST list;

PT3 n;


PT3 dir;


      DML_ITEM item;

      C3_CURVE c;


      DML_WALK_LIST ( list, item )


            c = dml_record ( item );

            c3c_project_oblique ( c, n, d, dir );



This function projects a list of curves obliquely onto a plane.




***>> c3c_rotate <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_rotate ( curve, origin, axis, angle );


****** Description ******


This function rotates a curve about an axis.  The axis is defined by  an

origin and an axis vector.  The rotation angle must be specified  in radians.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | the curve to rotate; it is   |

|                        |                    | modified by this function    |


| PT3                    | origin, axis       | the origin and axis vector   |

|                        |                    | of the rotation axis         |


| REAL                   | angle              | the angle to rotate the      |

|                        |                    | curve; must be specified in  |

|                        |                    | radians                      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>

void rotate_curves ( curvelist )

DML_LIST curvelist;


      DML_ITEM item;

      PT3 o, v;

      REAL angle;

      C3_CURVE curve;

      printf ( "enter axis origin" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2 );

      printf ( "enter axis direction" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      printf ( "enter rotation angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &angle );

      angle *= PI_OVER_180;

      DML_WALK_LIST ( curvelist, item )


            curve = dml_record ( item );

            c3c_rotate ( curve, o, v, angle );



This function rotates a set of curves on a list.




***>> c3c_rotate_cs <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_rotate_cs ( curve, origin, axis, c, s );


****** Description ******


This function rotates a curve about an axis.  The axis is defined by  an

origin and an axis vector.  The rotation angle is specified  with its cosine

and sine.


By reusing the sine and cosine values of the rotation angle, this  function

rotates groups of geometry more quickly than  c3c_rotate.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | the curve to rotate; it is   |

|                        |                    | modified by this function    |


| PT3                    | origin, axis       | the origin and axis vector   |

|                        |                    | of the rotation axis         |


| REAL                   | c, s               | the cosine and sine of the   |

|                        |                    | rotation angle               |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******



#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void rotate_curves ( curvelist )


DML_LIST curvelist;


      DML_ITEM item;

      PT3 o, v;

      REAL angle, s, c;

      C3_CURVE curve;


      printf ( "enter axis origin" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2 );

      printf ( "enter axis direction" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      printf ( "enter rotation angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &angle );

      angle *= PI_OVER_180;

      c = cos ( angle );

      s = sin ( angle );


      DML_WALK_LIST ( curvelist, item )


            curve = dml_record ( item );

            c3c_rotate_cs ( curve, o, v, c, s );



This function rotates a set of curves on a list.  It is more  efficient than

the example for c3c_rotate because the angle is  specified with the sine and

cosine of the rotation angle.




***>> c3c_scale  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_scale ( curve, origin, factor );


****** Description ******


This function scales a curve by a scale factor. The  center of scaling is the

point origin.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| REAL                   | factor             | the scale factor             |


| PT3                    | origin             | the center of scaling        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void scale_curve ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      REAL scale_factor ;

      PT3 origin ;


      printf ( "Enter scale origin\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", origin, origin+1, origin+2 ) ;

      printf ( "Enter scale factor\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf", &scale_factor ) ;

      c3c_scale ( curve, origin, scale_factor ) ;


This subroutine scales the input curve by a given factor about a given scaling





***>> c3c_select <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3c_select ( curve, pt, ray_vec, tol,  sel_parm, dist_ptr );


****** Description ******


This function determines if a ray passes within a specified distance  of a

curve.  The ray is defined by a point and a vector.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a curve                      |


| PT3                    | pt, ray_vec        | the base point and the       |

|                        |                    | vector that define the ray   |


| REAL                   | tol                | the select distance; this    |

|                        |                    | function determines if the   |

|                        |                    | ray  passes within this      |

|                        |                    | distance of curve            |


| PARM                   | sel_parm           | the curve parameter          |

|                        |                    | indicating the point on the  |

|                        |                    | curve  nearest the ray; if   |

|                        |                    | this argument is NULL, the   |

|                        |                    | select parameter is  not     |

|                        |                    | computed                     |



****** Output ******



| PARM                   | sel_parm           | the curve parameter          |

|                        |                    | indicating the point on the  |

|                        |                    | curve  nearest the ray       |


| REAL *                 | dist_ptr           | the distance between the ray  |

|                        |                    | and the point on the curve   |

|                        |                    | nearest the ray              |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the ray passes by the curve within the  select

distance.  It is FALSE otherwise.


****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE select_curve ( curvelist, dist, p, vec )


DML_LIST curvelist;

REAL *dist;

PT3 p, vec;


      PARM_S parm;

      DML_ITEM item;

      C3_CURVE curve;

      REAL d;


      DML_WALK_LIST ( curvelist, item )


            curve = dml_record ( item );

            if ( c3c_select ( curve, p, vec, *dist, &parm, &d ) )



      if ( item != NULL ) {

      *dist = d;

      return ( curve );



            return ( NULL );


This function returns the first curve on a list which passes within  a

specified distance of a ray.




***>> c3c_transform <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_transform ( curve0, t );


****** Description ******


This function transforms a specified curve by a specified 3D  transform.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a 3D curve                   |


| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | a 3D transform               |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the specified curve.  If the curve could not be

transformed, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void transform_curve ( curve, c, x, y )

C3_CURVE curve ;

PT3 c, x, y;


      C3_TRANSFORM t;


      c3t_lcs ( c, x, y, t );

      c3c_transform ( curve, t ) ;


This subroutine transforms a curve into a given local coordinate  system.




***>> c3c_translate  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_translate ( curve, shift );


****** Description ******


This function translates a curve by a vector.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PT3                    | shift              | the translation vector       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void move_curve ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      REAL x, y, z ;

      PT3 shift ;


      printf ( "Enter translation vector\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z ) ;

      c3v_set ( x, y, z, shift ) ;

      c3c_translate ( curve, shift ) ;


This subroutine translates a curve by a given translation vector.




***>> c3c_trim <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_trim ( curve, parm0, parm1 );


****** Description ******


This function trims off the portions of a curve outside the interval  defined

by two specified curve parameters.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PARM                   | parm0, parm1       | curve parameter records      |

|                        |                    | specifying the interval on   |

|                        |                    | the curve  to keep; if parm0  |

|                        |                    | is NULL, the interval begins  |

|                        |                    | at the start  point of the   |

|                        |                    | curve; if parm1 is NULL, the  |

|                        |                    | interval ends at  the end    |

|                        |                    | point of the curve           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void trim_at_points ( pt0, pt1, curve )

PT3 pt0, pt1 ;

C3_CURVE curve ;


      PARM_S parm0, parm1 ;

      c3c_project ( curve, pt0, &parm0, NULL ) ;

      c3c_project ( curve, pt1, &parm1, NULL ) ;

      c3c_trim ( curve, &parm0, &parm1 ) ;


This program trims off the portion of the input curve outside the  interval

between the projections of two specified points.




***>> c3c_trim0  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_trim0 ( curve, parm );


****** Description ******


This function trims off the portion of the input curve  between the start

point and the position specified by a  curve parameter record.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PARM                   | parm               | a curve parameter record     |

|                        |                    | specifying the new  position  |

|                        |                    | of the start point           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void trim0_at_point ( pt, curve )

PT3 pt ;

C3_CURVE curve ;


      PARM_S parm ;

      c3c_project ( curve, pt, &parm, NULL ) ;

      c3c_trim0 ( curve, &parm ) ;


This program trims off the portion of the input curve  between the start

point and the projection of the given  point onto the curve.




***>> c3c_trim1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_trim1 ( curve, parm );


****** Description ******


This function trims off the portion of the input curve  between the endpoint

and the position specified by a  curve parameter record.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| PARM                   | parm               | a curve parameter record     |

|                        |                    | specifying the new  position  |

|                        |                    | of the end point             |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void trim1_at_point ( pt, curve )

PT3 pt ;

C3_CURVE curve ;


      PARM_S parm ;

      c3c_project ( curve, pt, &parm, NULL ) ;

      c3c_trim1 ( curve, &parm ) ;


This program trims off the portion of the input curve  between the end point

and the projection of the given  point onto the curve.


***>> c3c_trim_t <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_trim_t ( curve, t0, t1 );


****** Description ******


This function trims off the portions of a curve outside the interval  defined

by two specified curve parameter values.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| REAL                   | t0, t1             | curve parameter values       |

|                        |                    | specifying the interval on   |

|                        |                    | the curve  to keep           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void trim_off_ends ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      c3c_trim_t ( curve, 0.3, 0.8 ) ;


This program trims off the portion of the input curve outside the  interval

between the parameter values 0.3 and 0.8.


***>> c3c_trim_t0 <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_trim_t0 ( curve, t );


****** Description ******


This function trims off the portion of the input curve  between the start

point and the position specified by a  curve parameter values.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | C3_CURVE           | curve                        |



@T3C3 = a 3D curve



| REAL                   | t                  | a curve parameter value      |

|                        |                    | specifying the new  position  |

|                        |                    | of the start point           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void trim_off_start ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      c3c_trim_t0 ( curve, 0.3 ) ;


This program trims off the portion of the input curve  between the start

point and the parameter value 0.3.




***>> c3c_trim_t1 <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3c_trim_t1 ( curve, t );


****** Description ******


This function trims off the portion of the input curve  between the endpoint

and the position specified by a  curve parameter value.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |


| REAL                   | t                  | a curve parameter value      |

|                        |                    | specifying the new  position  |

|                        |                    | of the end point             |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input curve.


****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>


void trim1_off_end ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      c3c_trim_t1 ( curve, 0.8 ) ;


This program trims off the portion of the input curve between the  parameter

value 0.8 and the end point of the curve.


***>> c3d_arc_2pts_ctr <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_arc_2pts_ctr ( pt0, pt1, ctr );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D arc starting at a specified point,  ending at

another specified point, and having a specified center.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | pt0, pt1, ctr      | the start, end and center    |

|                        |                    | points of the arc            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the constructed curve.  If the curve could not  be

constructed, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE build_arc()



      PT3 ctr, p1, p2;

      printf ( "enter center:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", ctr, ctr+1, ctr+2 );

      printf ( "enter start point:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p1, p1+1, p1+2 );

      printf ( "enter end point:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p2, p2+1, p2+2 );


      return ( c3d_arc_2pts_ctr ( p1, p2, ctr ) );


This function constructs an arc from a center point, start point and  end



***>> c3d_arc_2pts_tan <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_arc_2pts_tan ( pt0, tan0, pt1 );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D arc which starts at a specified point,  ends at

another specified point, and has a specified start tangent.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | pt0, tan0, pt1     | the start point, the start   |

|                        |                    | tangent, and end point       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the constructed curve.  If the curve could not  be

constructed, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE build_arc()



      PT3 tan, p1, p2;

      printf ( "enter start tangent:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", tan, tan+1, tan+2 );

      printf ( "enter start point:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p1, p1+1, p1+2 );

      printf ( "enter end point:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p2, p2+1, p2+2 );


      return ( c3d_arc_2pts_tan ( p1, tan, p2 ) );


This function constructs an arc from a start tangent, start point and  end



***>> c3d_arc_3pts <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_arc_3pts ( pt1, pt2, pt3 );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D arc passing through three points.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | pt1, pt2, pt3      | three points                 |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the constructed curve.  If the curve could not  be

constructed, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******



#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE build_arc()



      PT3 p1, p2, p3;

      printf ( "enter first point:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p1, p1+1, p1+2 );

      printf ( "enter second point:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p2, p2+1, p2+2 );

      printf ( "enter third point:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p3, p3+1, p3+2 );


      return ( c3d_arc_3pts ( p1, p2, p3 ) );


This function constructs an arc from three points.


***>> c3d_circle <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_circle ( ctr, rad, normal );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D circle with a specified center and  radius.

The plane of the circle is specified with a normal vector.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | ctr, normal        | the center point and the     |

|                        |                    | plane normal                 |


| REAL                   | rad                | the radius                   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the constructed curve.  If the curve could not  be

constructed, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE build_circle()



      PT3 ctr, n;

      REAL r;

      printf ( "enter center: ");

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", ctr, ctr+1, ctr+2 );

      printf ( "enter radius" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &r );

      printf ( "enter plane normal: " );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", n, n+1, n+2 );


      return ( c3d_circle ( ctr, r, n ) );


This function constructs a circle from a center point, radius and  plane



***>> c3d_convert_2d3d <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_convert_2d3d ( curve_2d, c, u, v );


****** Description ******


This function creates a 3D curve by placing a 2D curve on the x-y  plane of a

local coordinate system in 3D space.  The local coordinate  system is defined

by an origin, an x-axis, and a y-axis, all defined  in the 3D space.


****** Input ******



| C2_CURVE               | curve_2d           | a 2D curve                   |


| PT3                    | c, u, v            | the origin, x-axis and       |

|                        |                    | y-axis of the local          |

|                        |                    | coordinate system            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a 3D curve.  If the curve could not be created,  NULL is



****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>

void convert_curves ( in, out, o, x, y )


DML_LIST in, out;

PT3 o, x, y;


      DML_ITEM item;

      C2_CURVE c2;

      C3_CURVE c3;

      DML_WALK_LIST ( in, item ) {

            c2 = dml_record ( item );

            c3 = c3d_convert_2d3d ( c2, o, x, y );

            dml_append_data ( out, c3 );



This function converts a set of 2D curves into 3D curves.


***>> c3d_convert_3d2d <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C2_CURVE c3d_convert_3d2d ( curve_3d, c, u, v );


****** Description ******


This function creates a 2D curve by projecting a 3D curve onto the  x-y plane

of a local coordinate system in 3D space. The local coordinate  system is

defined by an origin, an x-axis, and a y-axis, all defined  in the 3D space.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve_3d           | a 3D curve                   |


| PT3                    | c, u, v            | the origin, x-axis, and      |

|                        |                    | y-axis of the local          |

|                        |                    | coordinate system            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a 2D curve.  If the curve could not be created,  NULL is



****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>

void convert_curves ( in, out, o, x, y )


DML_LIST in, out;

PT3 o, x, y;


      DML_ITEM item;

      C3_CURVE c3;

      C2_CURVE c2;

      DML_WALK_LIST ( in, item ) {

            c3 = dml_record ( item );

            c2 = c3d_convert_3d2d ( c3, o, x, y );

            dml_append_data ( out, c2 );



This function converts a set of 3D curves into 2D curves.


***>> c3d_copy  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_copy ( curve0 );


****** Description ******


This function creates a copy of a curve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a 3D curve                   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the copy. If memory could not be allocated to  create the

copy, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE create_copy ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      C3_CURVE copy ;


      copy = c3d_copy ( curve ) ;

      return ( copy ) ;


This routine creates a copy of a given curve.


***>> c3d_curve_to_spline <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_curve_to_spline ( curve );


****** Description ******


This function converts curves into geometrically-identical splines.


All source code for programs that call this function must be  compiled with

the symbol SPLINE defined.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a curve                      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a curve which is the spline representation of  the input

curve.  If memory for the spline could not be allocated,  NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


void convert_curves ( inlist, outlist )


DML_LIST inlist, outlist;


      DML_ITEM item;

      C3_CURVE curve, spline;

      DML_WALK_LIST ( inlist, item )


            curve = dml_record ( item );

            spline = c3d_curve_to_spline ( curve );

            dml_append_data ( outlist, spline );



This function creates a set of splines from a set of curves.


***>> c3d_ellipse <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C2_CURVE c3d_ellipse ( ctr, major_axis, minor_axis );


****** Description ******


This function creates an ellipse defined by its center and its major  axis

and minor axis vectors.  The major and minor axes must be  orthogonal.


All source code of programs that call this function must be  compiled with

the symbol SPLINE defined.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | ctr                | the center of the ellipse    |


| PT3                    | major_axis         | the major axis vector; the   |

|                        |                    | length of this vector        |

|                        |                    | specifies  the major radius  |

|                        |                    | of the ellipse               |


| PT3                    | minor_axis         | the minor axis vector; the   |

|                        |                    | length of this vector        |

|                        |                    | specifies  the minor radius  |

|                        |                    | of the ellipse               |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created curve. If memory could not be allocated  to

create the curve, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <c2vdefs.h>

#include <c2ddefs.h>

void main ()


      PT3 c, maj_axis, min_axis;

      C3_CURVE ellipse ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, c ) ;

      c3v_set ( 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, maj_axis ) ;

      c3v_set ( 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, min_axis ) ;

      ellipse = c2d_ellipse ( c, maj_axis, min_axis );

      if ( ellipse == NULL ) printf ( "Error creating curve.\n" );


This program creates an ellipse with center (1,1,2), major axis  with length

5.0 aligned with the x-axis, and minor axis with length  3.0 aligned with the



***>> c3d_free_curve  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


void c3d_free_curve ( curve );


****** Description ******


This function frees a curve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D curve                   |



****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>


void main()


      C3_CURVE curve ;

      PT3 pt0, pt1 ;


      curve = c3d_line ( pt0, pt1 ) ;

      if ( curve == NULL )

            printf ( "Cannot create a curve.\n" ) ;

      else {

            c3c_info_curve ( curve, NULL ) ;

            c3d_free_curve ( curve ) ;



This program creates a line, prints information about this line onto  the

screen, and then frees the memory used by it.


***>> c3d_free_point  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


void c3d_free_point ( pt );


****** Description ******


This function frees a point created with c3d_point.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | *pt                | a 3D point                   |



****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 *p ;

      p = c3d_point ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ) ;

      c3d_free_point ( p ) ;


This program creates a point, and then frees the memory used by it.


***>> c3d_line  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_line ( ept0, ept1 );


****** Description ******


This function creates a line between two points.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | ept0               | the start point of the line  |


| PT3                    | ept1               | the end point of the line    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created curve. If memory could not be allocated  to

create the copy, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE create_line ()


      C3_CURVE line ;

      PT3 pt0, pt1 ;

      REAL x, y, z ;

      printf ( "Enter coordinates of the first point.\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z ) ;

      c3v_set ( x, y, z, pt0 ) ;

      printf ( "Enter coordinates of the second point.\n" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z ) ;

      c3v_set ( x, y, z, pt1 ) ;

      line = c3d_line ( pt0, pt1 ) ;

      if ( line == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating line.\n" ) ;

      return ( line ) ;


This program creates a line passing through two given points.


***>> c3d_line_dir  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_line_dir ( ept0, dir_vec );


****** Description ******


This function creates a line defined by a point and a direction vector.  The

length of the line is the same as the length of the vector.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | ept0               | the start point of the line  |


| PT3                    | dir_vec            | direction vector of the      |

|                        |                    | line; the vector sum of the  |

|                        |                    | start  point and this vector  |

|                        |                    | is the end point of the line  |

|                        |                    |                              |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created curve. If memory could not be allocated  to

create the curve, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE create_line_dir ()


      C3_CURVE line ;

      PT3 pt, dir_vec ;

      REAL x, y, z ;

      printf ( "Enter start point.\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z ) ;

      c3v_set ( x, y, z, pt ) ;

      printf ( "Enter direction vector.\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z ) ;

      c3v_set ( x, y, z, dir_vec ) ;

      line = c3d_line_dir ( pt, dir_vec ) ;

      if ( line == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating line.\n" ) ;

      return ( line ) ;


This program creates a line starting at a given point and having a  given



***>> c3d_mirror  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_mirror ( curve0, n, d );


****** Description ******


This function creates a curve which is the mirror image of the input  curve

about a plane. The plane is defined by a normal vector and the  distance of

the plane to the origin.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a 3D curve                   |


| PT3                    | n                  | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | d                  | the normal distance between  |

|                        |                    | the plane and the origin     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a curve which is the mirror image of the input  curve.

If memory could not be allocated to create the curve, NULL  is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE mirror_curve ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      REAL dist ;

      PT3 n ;

      C3_CURVE mirrored_curve ;

      printf (

            "Enter mirror plane normal and distance\n" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf%lf", n, n+1, n+2, &dist ) ;

      mirrored_curve = c3d_mirror ( curve, n, dist ) ;

      return ( mirrored_curve ) ;


This subroutine creates a curve which is a mirror image of the input  curve

with respect to the user-defined plane.


***>> c3d_pcurve_add_arc_2pts  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_add_arc_2pts ( curve, a0, a1 );


****** Description ******


This function adds an arc segment to a 3D polycurve.  The arc  segment is

defined by three points: the end point of the polycurve,  and two additional



****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D polycurve               |


| PT3                    | a0, a1             | the second and third through  |

|                        |                    | points for the arc segment   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the polycurve.  If the arc could not be  constructed,

NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


See c3d_pcurve_init.


***>> c3d_pcurve_add_arc_tan <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_add_arc_tan ( curve, a );


****** Description ******


This function adds an arc segment to the end of a 3D polycurve.  The  arc is

tangent to the end of the polycurve, and ends at a specified  point.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D polycurve               |


| PT3                    | a                  | the end point of the arc     |

|                        |                    | segment                      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the polycurve.  If the arc could not be  constructed,

NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


See c3d_pcurve_init.


***>> c3d_pcurve_add_line <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_add_line ( curve, a );


****** Description ******


This function adds a line segment to a 3D polycurve. The line segment  ends

at a specified point.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D polycurve               |


| PT3                    | a                  | the end point of the line    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the polycurve.  If the line could not be  constructed,

NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


See c3d_pcurve_init.


***>> c3d_pcurve_add_line_tan <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_add_line_tan ( curve, a );


****** Description ******


This function adds a line segment to the end of a 3D polycurve.  The  line

segment is tangent to the end of the polycurve, and ends at  the projection

of a specified point onto the ray tangent to the end  of the polycurve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a polycurve                  |


| PT3                    | a                  | the end point of the line    |

|                        |                    | segment                      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the polycurve.  If the line could not be  constructed,

NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


See c3d_pcurve_init.


***>> c3d_pcurve_close <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_close ( curve );


****** Description ******


This function adds a line segment to close a polycurve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a polycurve                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the polycurve.  If the line could not be  constructed,

NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


See c3d_pcurve_init.


***>> c3d_pcurve_init <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_init ( a );


****** Description ******


This function begins a 3D polycurve at a specified point.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the starting point for the   |

|                        |                    | polycurve                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a polycurve.  If memory could not be allocated  for the

polycurve, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE build_pcurve ( p1, p2, p31, p32, p4,

      p5, p6 )

PT3 p1, p2, p31, p32, p4, p5, p6;


      C3_CURVE pc;


      pc = c3d_pcurve_init ( p1 );

      c3d_pcurve_add_line ( pc, p2 );

      c3d_pcurve_add_arc_2pts ( pc, p31, p32 );

      c3d_pcurve_add_arc_tan ( pc, p4 );

      c3d_pcurve_add_line_tan ( pc, p5 );

      c3d_pcurve_add_line ( pc, p6 );

      c3d_pcurve_remove_last ( pc );

      c3d_pcurve_close ( pc );


      return ( pc );


This function creates a polycurve that contains both lines and arcs.


***>> c3d_pcurve_remove_last <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_remove_last ( curve );


****** Description ******


This function removes the last segment from a 3D polycurve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a 3D polycurve               |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input polycurve if the segment was  successfully

removed, and NULL if the segment could not be removed.


****** Example ******


See c3d_pcurve_init.


***>> c3d_pcurve_segment <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_segment ( curve, i );


****** Description ******


This function creates a C3_CURVE from the ith segment of a  polycurve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a polycurve                  |


| INT                    | i                  | an index of a segment; a     |

|                        |                    | value of 0 denotes the first  |

|                        |                    |  segment                     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the polycurve.  If the segment could not be  created,

NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <dmldefs.h>


DML_LIST pcurve_segments ( pcurve )

C3_CURVE pcurve;


      DML_LIST list = dml_create_list();

      INT i = 0;

      C3_CURVE curve;

      for ( curve = c3d_pcurve_segment ( pcurve, i++ );

            curve != NULL;

            curve = c3d_pcurve_segment ( pcurve, i++ ) )

            dml_append_data ( list, curve );

      return ( list );


This function creates a curve for each of the segments of a  polycurve.


***>> c3d_pcurve_through <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_pcurve_through ( a, n );


****** Description ******


This function creates a 3D polycurve through a set of points.  All  segments

of the polycurve are linear.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a[]                | an array of n through points  |


| INT                    | n                  | the number of points in the  |

|                        |                    | array                        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the polycurve.  If memory could not be allocated  for the

polycurve, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>

#include <c3vdefs.h>


C3_CURVE build_pcurve ( a, n )


PT3 a[];

INT n;


      C3_CURVE pc = c3d_pcurve_through ( a, n );

      if ( !c3v_ident_pts ( a[0], a[n-1] ) )

            c3d_pcurve_close ( pc );

      return ( pc );


This function creates a closed polycurve through a set of points.


***>> c3d_point  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


PT3 *c3d_point ( x, y, z );


****** Description ******


This function creates a point with coordinates x, y  and z.


****** Input ******



| REAL                   | x, y, z            | the x, y and z coordinates   |

|                        |                    | of the created point         |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created point. If memory could not be allocated  to

create the point, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


PT3 *create_point ()


      PT3 *point ;

      REAL x, y, z ;


      printf ( "Enter coordinates of the point.\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z ) ;

      point = c3d_point ( x, y, z ) ;

      return ( point ) ;


This routine creates a point with given coordinates.


***>> c3d_project_normal <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_project_normal ( curve0, normal, dist  );


****** Description ******


This function creates a 3D curve which is the projection of a  specified 3D

curve onto a specified plane.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a 3D curve                   |


| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | dist               | the distance between the     |

|                        |                    | origin and the plane along   |

|                        |                    | the  normal direction        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a curve which is the projection of the input  curve on

the specified plane.  NULL is returned if (1) memory could  not be allocated

to create the curve, or (2) an arc or a polyline  with arcs is projected to

create elliptical segments, and SPLINE was  not defined to enable ellipses

and splines.




****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>

void project_curves ( inlist, outlist, n, d )

DML_LIST inlist, outlist;

PT3 n;



      DML_ITEM item;

      C3_CURVE c, c1;

      DML_WALK_LIST ( inlist, item )


            c = dml_record ( item );

            c1 = c3d_project_normal ( c, n, d );

            dml_append_data ( outlist, c1 );



This function creates curves which are orthogonal projections of  curves on a

list.  The created curves are appended to a list.  The  plane onto which the

curves are projected is defined with its normal  vector and its distance from

the origin along the normal direction.


***>> c3d_project_oblique <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_project_oblique ( curve0, normal, dist,  direction );


****** Description ******


This function creates a 3D curve which is the oblique projection of  a

specified curve onto a specified plane.


****** Input  ******



| C3_CURVE               | C3_CURVE           | curve0                       |



@T3C3 = a 3D curve



| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | dist               | the distance between the     |

|                        |                    | origin and the plane along   |

|                        |                    | the  normal direction        |


| PT3                    | direction          | the projection direction     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a curve which is the projection of the input  curve on

the specified plane.  NULL is returned if (1) memory could  not be allocated

to create the curve, or (2) an arc or a polyline with  arcs is projected to

create elliptical segments, and SPLINE was not  defined to enable ellipses

and splines, or (3) the projection  direction is perpendicular to the plane



****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>

void project_curves ( inlist, outlist, n, d, dir )

DML_LIST inlist, outlist;

PT3 n;


PT3 dir;


      DML_ITEM item;

      C3_CURVE c, c1;

      DML_WALK_LIST ( inlist, item ) {

            c = dml_record ( item );

            c1 = c3d_project_oblique ( c, n, d, dir );

            dml_append_data ( outlist, c1 );



This function creates curves which are oblique projections of curves  on a



***>> c3d_ray <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_ray ( point, theta, phi );


****** Description ******


This function creates a line starting a specified point and  following a

direction vector specified by spherical angles.   Theta is the angle between

the x-axis and the projection on  the x-y plane of the direction vector.  Phi

is the angle  between the z-axis and the direction vector.  Both angles must

be  expressed in radians.  The length of the line is the world size.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | point              | the start point of the line  |


| REAL                   | theta              | the angle about the z-axis,  |

|                        |                    | as measured from the x-axis  |


| REAL                   | phi                | the angle from the z-axis    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a line starting at the specified point, and  following

the specified direction. If memory could not be allocated  to create the

curve, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE create_ray ()


      PT3 p;

      REAL theta, phi;

      printf ( "Enter coordinates of the base point.\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p, p+1, p+2 ) ;

      printf ( "Enter theta and phi: " );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf", &theta, &phi ) ;

      return ( c3d_ray ( p, theta, phi ) ) ;


This program creates a ray starting a specified point and following  a

specified angle.


***>> c3d_rotate <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_rotate ( curve0, origin, axis, angle );


****** Description ******


This function creates a 3D curve which is the rotation of a  specified 3D

curve about a specified axis.  The rotation follows the  counter-clockwise

direction about the axis.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a curve                      |


| PT3                    | origin, axis       | the base point and the       |

|                        |                    | direction vector that define  |

|                        |                    | the  rotation axis           |


| REAL                   | angle              | the rotation angle; must be  |

|                        |                    | specified in radians         |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a curve which is the rotation of the input curve  about

the specified axis. If memory could not be allocated to create  the curve,

NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


void rotate_curves ( inlist, outlist )


DML_LIST inlist, outlist;


      DML_ITEM item;

      PT3 o, v;

      REAL angle;

      C3_CURVE curve, curve1;


      printf ( "enter axis origin" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2 );

      printf ( "enter axis direction" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      printf ( "enter rotation angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &angle );

      angle *= PI_OVER_180;


      DML_WALK_LIST ( inlist, item )


            curve = dml_record ( item );

            curve1 = c3d_rotate ( curve, o, v, angle );

            dml_append_data ( outlist, curve1 );



This function creates a set of curves which are rotations of the  input set

of curves.


***>> c3d_rotate_cs <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_rotate_cs ( curve0, origin, axis, c, s  );


****** Description ******


This function creates a curve which is the rotation about an axis  of a

specified curve. The rotation axis is defined by a point and  a vector.  The

rotation angle is specified with its sine and cosine.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a 3D curve                   |


| PT3                    | origin, axis       | the origin and the direction  |

|                        |                    | that define the rotation     |

|                        |                    | axis                         |


| REAL                   | c,                 | s ;                          |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created curve.  It is NULL if the curve  could not be



****** Example ******


#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


void rotate_curves ( inlist, outlist )


DML_LIST inlist, outlist;


      DML_ITEM item;

      PT3 o, v;

      REAL angle, s, c;

      C3_CURVE curve, curve1;


      printf ( "enter axis origin" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2 );

      printf ( "enter axis direction" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      printf ( "enter rotation angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &angle );

      angle *= PI_OVER_180;

      c = cos ( angle );

      s = sin ( angle );


      DML_WALK_LIST ( inlist, item )


            curve = dml_record ( item );

            curve1 = c3d_rotate_cs ( curve, o, v, c, s );

            dml_append_data ( outlist, curve1 );



This function creates a set of curves which are rotations of the  input set

of curves.  It is more efficient that example for  c3d_rotate because the

sine and cosine of the rotation angle  do not have to be computed with each

call to c3d_rotate_cs.


***>> c3d_scale  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_scale ( curve0, origin, factor );


****** Description ******


This function creates a curve by scaling the input curve by a scale  factor

about a given origin.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a 3D curve                   |


| REAL                   | factor             | the scale factor             |


| PT3                    | origin             | the scaling origin           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a curve that is the scale of the input curve.  If memory

could not be allocated to create the scaled curve, NULL  is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>

C3_CURVE scale_curve ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      REAL f ;

      PT3 origin ;

      C3_CURVE scaled_curve ;

      printf ( "Enter scale origin\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", origin, origin+1, origin+2 ) ;

      printf ( "Enter scale factor\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf", &f ) ;

      scaled_curve = c3d_scale ( curve, origin, f ) ;

      return ( scaled_curve ) ;


This subroutine scales the input curve by a given factor about a given

scaling origin. The scaled curve is returned.




***>> c3d_spline  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_spline ( a, n );


****** Description ******


This function creates a spline that passes through a set  of points.


All source code of programs that call this function must be  compiled with

the symbol SPLINE defined.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a[n]               | the array of through points  |


| INT                    | n                  | the number of through points  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created curve. If memory could  not be allocated to

create the curve, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>

C3_CURVE list_to_spline (ptlist)

DML_LIST ptlist ;


      C3_CURVE spline ;

      PT3 *points ;

      INT size ;

      size = dml_length ( ptlist ) ;

      points = ( PT3* ) dml_create_list_to_array ( ptlist,

            sizeof(PT3) ) ;

      spline = c3d_spline ( points, size ) ;

      if ( spline == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating spline.\n" ) ;

      free ( points ) ;

      return ( spline ) ;


This program obtains points from a list and creates a spline passing  through

them. This spline has default knots.




***>> c3d_spline_clsd  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_spline_clsd ( a, n, knot_options  );


****** Description ******


This function creates a closed spline passing through a  set of points. The

end point of the spline, which will  have the same coordinates as the start

point, should not  be included in the set of through points.


All source code of programs that call this function must be  compiled with

the symbol SPLINE defined.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a[]                | an array of n 3D points      |


| INT                    | n                  | the number of points in the  |

|                        |                    | array                        |


| C3_KNOT_OPTIONS        | knot_options       | the parametrization          |

|                        |                    | convention; generally        |

|                        |                    | C3_DEFAULT should  be used   |



Valid parameterization options are:



| Option                               | Meaning                             |


| C3_DEFAULT                           | non-uniform parameterization based  |

|                                      | on the square root of the           |

|                                      | distance between through points     |

| C3_UNIFORM                           | uniform parameterization            |

| C3_CLSC_UNI                          | uniform parameterization with       |

|                                      | coalesced start and end knots       |

| C3_NONUNI                            | non-uniform parameterization based  |

|                                      | on the distance between  through    |

|                                      | points; corresponds approximately   |

|                                      | to the parameterization  based on   |

|                                      | the spline arc length               |

|                                      |  value is the created curve. If     |

|                                      | memory could  not be allocated to   |

|                                      | create the curve, NULL is           |

|                                      | returned.                           |



****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE list_to_closed_spline (ptlist)

DML_LIST ptlist ;


      C3_CURVE spline ;

      PT3 *points ;

      INT size ;


      size = dml_length ( ptlist ) ;

      points = ( PT3* ) dml_create_list_to_array ( ptlist, sizeof(PT3) ) ;

      if ( points == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating array of points.\n" ) ;

      spline = c3d_spline_clsd ( points, size, C3_DEFAULT ) ;

      if ( spline == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating spline.\n" ) ;

      free ( points ) ;

      return ( spline ) ;


This program obtains points from a list and creates a closed spline  passing

through them. This spline has default knots.




***>> c3d_spline_knots  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_spline_knots ( a, n, knot_options  );


****** Description ******


This function creates a spline that passes through a set  of points and is

parametrized according to a particular  convention. The parametrization

convention is specified  with the knot_options parameter.


All source code of programs that call this function must be  compiled with

the symbol SPLINE defined.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a[n]               | the array of n through       |

|                        |                    | points                       |


| INT                    | n                  | the number of through points  |


| C3_KNOT_OPTIONS        | knot_options       | the parametrization          |

|                        |                    | convention; generally        |

|                        |                    | C3_DEFAULT should  be used   |



Valid parameterization options are:



| Option                               | Meaning                             |


| C3_DEFAULT                           | non-uniform parameterization based  |

|                                      | on the square root of the           |

|                                      | distance between through points     |

| C3_UNIFORM                           | uniform parameterization            |

| C3_CLSC_UNI                          | uniform parameterization with       |

|                                      | coalesced start and end  knots      |

| C3_NONUNI                            | non-uniform parameterization based  |

|                                      | on the distance between  through    |

|                                      | points; corresponds approximately   |

|                                      | to the parameterization  based on   |

|                                      | the spline arc length               |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created curve. If memory could  not be allocated to

create the curve, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>

C3_CURVE list_to_spline ( ptlist )

DML_LIST ptlist ;


      C3_CURVE spline ;

      PT3 *points ;

      INT size ;


      size = dml_length ( ptlist ) ;

      points = ( PT3* ) dml_create_list_to_array ( ptlist, sizeof(PT3) ) ;

      if ( points == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating array of points.\n" ) ;

      spline = c3d_spline_knots ( points, size, C3_DEFAULT ) ;

      if ( spline == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating spline.\n" ) ;

      free ( points ) ;

      return ( spline ) ;


This program obtains points from a list and creates a spline passing  through

them. This spline has uniform knots ( i.e., consecutive integers ).




***>> c3d_spline_tan  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_spline_tan ( a, n, knot_options, tan0,  tan0_options, tan1,



****** Description ******


This function creates a spline that passes through a  given set of points and

has given start and end  tangents.


All source code of programs that call this function must be  compiled with

the symbol SPLINE defined.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a[n]               | array of n through points    |


| INT                    | n                  | the number of through points  |


| C3_KNOT_OPTIONS        | knot_options       | the parametrization          |

|                        |                    | convention                   |


| PT3                    | tan0               | the start tangent vector     |


| C3_TAN_OPTIONS         | tan0_options       | the start tangent convention  |


| PT3                    | tan1               | the end tangent vector       |


| C3_TAN_OPTIONS         | tan1_options       | the end tangent convention   |



Valid parameterization options are:



| Option                               | Meaning                             |


| C3_DEFAULT                           | non-uniform parameterization based  |

|                                      | on the square root of the           |

|                                      | distance between through points     |

| C3_UNIFORM                           | uniform parameterization            |

| C3_CLSC_UNI                          | uniform parameterization with       |

|                                      | coalesced start and end  knots      |

| C3_NONUNI                            | non-uniform parameterization based  |

|                                      | on the distance between  through    |

|                                      | points; corresponds approximately   |

|                                      | to the parameterization  based on   |

|                                      | the spline arc length               |

| ngent                                | on     Meaning                          |



the input vector




****** Return Value ******


The return value is the created curve. If memory could  not be allocated to

create the curve, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#define SPLINE

#include <dmldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE list_to_spline ( ptlist, tan0, tan1 )

DML_LIST ptlist ;

PT3 tan0, tan1 ;


      C3_CURVE spline ;

      PT3 *points ;

      INT size ;


      size = dml_length ( ptlist ) ;

      points = ( PT3* ) dml_create_list_to_array ( ptlist, sizeof(PT3) ) ;

      if ( points == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating array of points.\n" ) ;

      spline = c3d_spline_tan ( points, size, C3_DEFAULT,

                        tan0, C3_DEF_TAN, tan1, C3_DEF_TAN ) ;

      if ( spline == NULL )

            printf ( "Error creating spline.\n" ) ;

      free ( points ) ;

      return ( spline ) ;


This program obtains points from a list and creates a spline passing  through

them having given start and end tangent directions.




***>> c3d_translate  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_translate ( curve0, shift );


****** Description ******


This function creates a new curve which is a copy of the  input curve

translated by a given vector.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a 3D curve                   |


| PT3                    | shift              | the translation vector       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the translated curve.  If memory  could not be allocated

to create the curve, NULL is  returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE move_curve ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve ;


      REAL x, y, z ;

      PT3 shift ;

      C3_CURVE moved_curve ;


      printf ( "Enter translation vector\n" ) ;

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", &x, &y, &z ) ;

      c3v_set ( x, y, z, shift ) ;

      moved_curve = c3d_translate ( curve, shift ) ;

      return ( moved_curve ) ;


This subroutine creates a curve which is a a copy of the  given curve

translated by a given vector. It returns the  created curve.




***>> c3d_transform <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_transform ( curve0, t );


****** Description ******


This function creates a transformed copy of a specified curve.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve0             | a 3D curve                   |


| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | a 3D transform               |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the transformed copy of the specified curve.  It  is NULL

if (1) memory could not be allocated to create the copy, or  (2) if the

transform is not orthogonal (i.e. will convert arcs into  ellipses), the

curve is an arc or a polyline that contains arcs, and  the symbol SPLINE is

not defined to enable ellipses and splines.


****** Example ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE transform_curve ( curve, c, x, y )

C3_CURVE curve ;

PT3 c, x, y;


      C3_TRANSFORM t;

      C3_CURVE transformed_curve ;


      c3t_lcs ( c, x, y, t );

      transformed_curve = c3d_transform ( curve, t ) ;

      return ( transformed_curve ) ;


This subroutine creates a curve which is a copy of the given curve

transformed into a given local coordinate system. It returns the  created



***>> c3d_trim  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_trim ( curve, parm0, parm1 );


****** Description ******


This function creates a copy of a specified curve, and trims away  the start

and end portions of the copy, leaving only that part which  is between two

specified curve parameters.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | curve              | a curve; it is not altered   |

|                        |                    | by the trimming operation    |


| PARM                   | parm0, parm1       | two curve parameter records  |

|                        |                    | that define the curve        |

|                        |                    | interval  to keep; if parm0  |

|                        |                    | is NULL, the start point is  |

|                        |                    | unchanged; if  parm1 is      |

|                        |                    | NULL, the the end point is   |

|                        |                    | unchanged                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a copy of the specified curve trimmed to the specified

curve parameter interval.  If the copy could not be created, NULL  is



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>

C3_CURVE trim_at_points ( curve, p0, p1 )

C3_CURVE curve;

PT3 p0, p1;


      PARM_S parm0, parm1;

      c3c_project ( curve, p0, &parm0, NULL ) ;

      c3c_project ( curve, p1, &parm1, NULL ) ;

      return ( c3d_trim ( curve, &parm0, &parm1 ) );


This program creates a copy of a curve that is trimmed to the projections  of

two given points.


***>> c3d_trim0  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_trim0 ( curve, parm );


****** Description ******


This function creates a copy of a curve, and trims away the portion  of the

copy between its start point and the point specified  by a curve parameter.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | a curve            | curve to be trimmed          |


| PARM                   | parm               | curve parameter record       |

|                        |                    | specifying the new position  |

|                        |                    | of the  start point          |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a copy of the specified curve trimmed to the specified

curve parameter interval.  If the copy could not be created, NULL  is



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE trim_at_point ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve;


      PT3 p ;

      PARM_S parm;


      c3v_set ( 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, p ) ;

      c3c_project ( curve, p, &parm, NULL ) ;

      return ( c3d_trim0 ( curve, &parm ) ) ;


This program trims off the portion of a curve that lies between the  start

point of the curve and the projection of the point p  onto the curve.


***>> c3d_trim1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_trim1 ( curve, parm );


****** Description ******


This function creates a copy of a curve, and trims away the portion  of the

copy between the point specified by a curve parameter and the  end point of

the copy.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | a curve            | curve to be trimmed          |


| PARM                   | parm               | curve parameter record       |

|                        |                    | specifying the new position  |

|                        |                    | of the  end point            |



#include <qgldefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE trim_at_point ( curve )


      PT3 p ;

      PARM_S parm;


      c3v_set ( 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, p ) ;

      c3c_project ( curve, p, &parm, NULL ) ;

      return ( c3d_trim1 ( curve, &parm ) ) ;


This program trims off the portion of a curve that lies between the

projection of the point p onto the curve and the end point  of the curve.


***>> c3d_trim_t <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_trim_t ( curve, t0, t1 );


****** Description ******


This function creates a copy of a curve, and trims away the portions  of the

copy outside the interval specified by a pair of curve  parameter values.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | a curve            | curve to be trimmed          |


| REAL                   | t0, t1             | start and end curve          |

|                        |                    | parameter values of the      |

|                        |                    | curve interval  to keep      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a copy of the specified curve trimmed to the specified

curve parameter interval.  If the copy could not be created, NULL  is



****** Example ******


#include <c3cdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE trim_off_ends ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve;


      return ( c3d_trim_t ( curve, 0.3, 0.8 );


This program trims off the portions of a curve that lies outside the  the

interval defined by the parameter values 0.3 and 0.8.


***>> c3d_trim_t0 <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_trim_t0 ( curve, t );


****** Description ******


This function creates a copy of a curve, and trims away the portion  of the

copy between its start point and the point specified by a  curve parameter



****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | a curve            | curve to be trimmed          |


| REAL                   | t                  | curve parameter value        |

|                        |                    | specifying the new position  |

|                        |                    | of the  start point          |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a copy of the specified curve trimmed to the specified

curve parameter interval.  If the copy could not be created, NULL  is



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE trim_off_start ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve;


      return ( c3d_trim_t0 ( curve, 0.3 ) ) ;


This program trims off the portion of a curve that lies between the  start

point of the curve and the parameter value 0.3.


***>> c3d_trim_t1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3ddefs.h>


C3_CURVE c3d_trim_t1 ( curve, t );


****** Description ******


This function create a copy of a curve, and trims away the portion  of the

copy between the point specified by a curve parameter value  and the end

point of the copy.


****** Input ******



| C3_CURVE               | a curve            | curve to be trimmed          |


| REAL                   | t                  | curve parameter record       |

|                        |                    | specifying the new position  |

|                        |                    | of the  end point            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a copy of the specified curve trimmed to the specified

curve parameter interval.  If the copy could not be created, NULL  is



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

#include <c3cdefs.h>

#include <c3ddefs.h>

C3_CURVE trim_off_ends ( curve )

C3_CURVE curve;


      return ( c3d_trim_t1 ( curve, 0.8 ) ) ;


This program trims off the portion of a curve that lies between the

parameter value 0.8 and the end point of the curve.


***>> c3t_create <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


C3_TRANSFORM *c3t_create ( );


****** Description ******


This function creates a 3D identity transform.


****** Return Value ******


The return value is a pointer to a 3D identity transform.  If the  transform

could not be created, NULL is returned.


****** Example ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>

#include <c3vdefs.h>

void main (void)


      PT3 n, c, x, y, a, b;

      C3_TRANSFORM t1, t2, *t = c3t_create();

      c3v_set ( 1., 1., 1., c );

      c3v_set ( 3./5., 4./5., 0., n );

      c3v_basis ( n, x, y );

      c3t_lcs ( c, x, y, t1 );

      c3v_set ( 5., 6., 7., a );

      c3t_eval_pt ( a, t1, b );

      c3v_set ( 1., 1., 1., c );

      c3v_set ( 0., 4./5., 3./5., x );

      c3v_basis ( n, x, y );

      c3t_lcs ( c, x, y, t2 );

      if ( !c3t_orthogonal ( t2 ) )

            printf ( "t2 is not orthogonal\n" );

      c3t_mult ( t1, t2, *t );

      c3t_eval_vec ( a, *t, b );

      c3t_inverse ( t1, *t );

      c3t_eval_pt ( a, *t, b );

      c3t_free ( *t );


This program creates transforms for 3D coordinate systems, and  converts

points and vectors between coordinate systems using the  transforms.


***>> c3t_eval_pt <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL *c3t_eval_pt ( a, t, b );


****** Description ******


This function transforms a 3D point by a 3D transform.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a 3D point                   |


| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | a 3D transform               |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the transformed 3D point     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output point.


****** Example ******


See c3t_create.


***>> c3t_eval_vec <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL *c3t_eval_vec ( a, t, b );


****** Description ******


This function transforms a 3D vector by a 3D transform.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a 3D vector                  |


| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | a 3D transform               |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the transformed vector       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output point.


****** Example ******


See c3t_create.


***>> c3t_free <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


void c3t_free ( t );


****** Description ******


This function frees a 3D transform.


****** Input ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | a 3D transform               |



****** Example ******


See c3t_create.


***>> c3t_inverse <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL * c3t_inverse ( t0, t1 );


****** Description ******


This function computes the inverse of a 3D transform.


****** Input ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t0                 | a 3D transform               |



****** Output ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t1                 | the inverse of the 3D        |

|                        |                    | transform                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the transform was computed successfully. 

Otherwise it is FALSE.


****** Example ******


See c3t_create.


***>> c3t_lcs <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


C3_TRANSFORM *c3t_lcs ( c, x, y, t );


****** Description ******


This function computes the 3D transform for a local coordinate  system

defined by an origin, x-axis and y-axis.  This transform  converts points

from the local coordinate system to the global coordinate system.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | c, x, y            | the origin, x-axis and       |

|                        |                    | y-axis of the local          |

|                        |                    | coordinate  system           |



****** Output ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | the computed transform       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a pointer to the output transform if it was  successfully

computed.  It is NULL otherwise.


****** Example ******


See c3t_create.


***>> c3t_mirror <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL *c3t_mirror ( normal, dist, t );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D transform that mirrors 3D objects  about a



****** Input ******



| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | dist               | the distance between the     |

|                        |                    | origin and the plane along   |

|                        |                    | the  normal direction        |



****** Output ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | the constructed transform    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output transform.


****** Example ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 n;

      REAL dist;

      C3_TRANSFORM *t = c3t_create();

      printf ( "Enter plane normal and dist:" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf%lf", n, n+1, n+2, &dist );

      c3t_mirror ( n, dist, *t );

      c3t_free ( *t );


This program creates a transform for mirroring 3D objects.


***>> c3t_mult <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL *c3t_mult ( t1, t2, t );


****** Description ******


This function multiplies two transform to make a third transform.


****** Input ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t1, t2             | two 3D transforms            |



****** Output ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | the product of the two       |

|                        |                    | transforms                   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output transform.


****** Example ******


See c3t_create.


***>> c3t_orthogonal <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3t_orthogonal ( t );


****** Description ******


This function determines if a transform is orthogonal.  Non- orthogonal

transforms distort angles, and cause circles to become  ellipses.


****** Input ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | a 3D transform               |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the transform is orthogonal, and FALSE  if it is

not orthogonal.


****** Example ******


See c3t_create.


***>> c3t_rotate <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL *c3t_rotate ( origin, axis, angle, t );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D transform that rotates 3D objects  about an

axis.  The rotation occurs in the counter-clockwise  direction about the



****** Input ******



| PT3                    | origin, axis       | the origin and axis vector   |

|                        |                    | of the rotation axis         |


| REAL                   | angle              | the rotation angle; must be  |

|                        |                    | specified in radians         |



****** Output ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | the constructed transform    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output transform.


****** Example ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 o, v;

      REAL angle;

      C3_TRANSFORM *t = c3t_create();

      printf ( "Enter rotation origin, axis and angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2,

            v, v+1, v+2, &angle );

      c3t_rotate ( o, v, angle, *t );

      c3t_free ( *t );


This program constructs a transform for rotating 3D objects.


***>> c3t_rotate_cs <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL *c3t_rotate_cs ( origin, axis, c, s, t );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D transform that rotates 3D objects  about an

axis.  The rotation angle is specified with its cosine and  sine. The

rotation occurs in the counter-clockwise direction about  the axis.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | origin, axis       | the origin and axis vector   |

|                        |                    | of the rotation axis         |


| REAL                   | c, s               | the cosine and sine of the   |

|                        |                    | rotation angle               |



****** Output ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | the constructed transform    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output transform.


****** Example ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 o, v;

      REAL angle, c, s;

      C3_TRANSFORM *t = c3t_create();

      printf ( "Enter rotation origin, axis and angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2,

            v, v+1, v+2, &angle );

      c = cos ( angle );

      s = sin ( angle );

      c3t_rotate_cs ( o, v, c, s, *t );

      c3t_free ( *t );


***>> c3t_scale <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL *c3t_scale ( origin, f0, f1, f2, t );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D transform for scaling 3D objects about  a

point.  The x, y and z directions may have  different scale factors.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | origin             | the center of scaling        |


| REAL                   | f0, f1, f2         | the x, y and z scale factors  |



****** Output ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | the constructed transform    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output transform.


****** Example ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 o;

      REAL f0, f1, f2;

      C3_TRANSFORM *t = c3t_create();

      printf ( "Enter scaling origin and factors" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2, &f0, &f1, &f2 );

      c3t_scale ( o, f0, f1, f2, *t );

      c3t_free ( *t );


This program constructs a transform for scaling 3D objects.


***>> c3t_translate <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


REAL *c3t_translate ( shift, t );


****** Description ******


This function constructs a 3D transform for translating 3D objects.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | shift              | the translation vector       |



****** Output ******



| C3_TRANSFORM           | t                  | the constructed transform    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output transform.


****** Example ******


#include <c3tdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 shift;

      C3_TRANSFORM *t = c3t_create();

      printf ( "Enter translation vector" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", shift, shift+1, shift+2 );

      c3t_translate ( shift, *t );

      c3t_free ( *t );


This program constructs a transform for translating 3D objects.




***>> c3v_add  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_add ( a, b, c );


****** Description ******


This function adds two vectors. This operation is defined  by the following



      c = a + b.

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | the vectors to add           |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | c                  | the sum of a and b           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 pt1, pt2, pt3 ;


      c3v_set ( 1., 2., 3., pt1 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 4., 5., 6., pt2 ) ;

      c3v_add ( pt1, pt2, pt3 ) ;


This program adds two vectors. The result is (5., 7., 9. ).




***>> c3v_addc <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL* c3v_addc ( c, a, p, b, q, x );


****** Description ******


This function adds the weighted sum of two vectors a and  b to a third vector



This sum is expressed by:


      x = c + p * a + q * b ;

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | c                  | a vector                     |


| PT3                    | a, b               | the two vectors combined     |

|                        |                    | with a weighted sum          |


| REAL                   | p, q               | weights applied to a and b,  |

|                        |                    | respectively                 |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | x                  | the result of this sum       |



****** Return Value ******


If the computation was successful, the return value is a pointer to  the

result vector x.  Otherwise it is NULL.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void combine_pts ( a, b, c, x )


PT3 a, b, c, x;


      REAL p, q;


      printf ( "enter 2 weights" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf", &p, &q );


      c3v_addc ( c, a, p, b, q, x );


This function combines three points using specified weights.




***>> c3v_addt  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_addt ( a, b, t, c );


****** Description ******


This function computes the sum of a vector and a multiple  of another vector.

This sum is defined by the following  expression:


      c = a + t * b.

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | the vectors to add           |


| REAL                   | t                  | the weighting factor         |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | c                  | the sum of the first vector  |

|                        |                    | and the multiple of  the     |

|                        |                    | second vector                |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 v1, v2, v3 ;

      REAL t = 0.25 ;


      c3v_set ( 3., 2., 1., v1 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 8., 4., -4., v2 ) ;

      c3v_addt ( v1, v2, t, v3 ) ;


This program computes the sum of the vector v0 and a quarter of the vector v1.

The result vector v2 will have the coordinates ( 5., 3.0, 0. ).




***>> c3v_addu  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_addu ( a, b, u, c );


****** Description ******


This function computes the convex combination of two  vectors. This sum is

defined by the following expression:


      c = ( 1 - u ) * a + u * b.

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | the vectors to add           |


| REAL                   | u                  | weighting fraction           |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | c                  | the convex combination of a  |

|                        |                    | and b                        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p1, p2, p3 ;

      REAL u = 1.0/3.0 ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, p1 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, p2 ) ;

      c3v_addu ( p1, p2, u, p3 ) ;


This program computes coordinates of a vector which is a sum of 2/3  of the

first vector and 1/3 of the second vector. Therefore,  p3=(2.0,3.0,4.0).




***>> c3v_addw  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_addw ( a, p, b, q, c );


****** Description ******


This function computes the weighted sum of two vectors.  This sum is defined

by the following expression:


      c = p * a + q * b.

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | the vectors to add           |


| REAL                   | p, q               | weighting factors            |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | c                  | the weighted sum of a and b  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void compute_new_position ( old_pos, wind_dir, our_dir,

      del_time, wind_vel, our_vel, new_pos )

PT3 old_pos, wind_dir, our_dir, new_pos ;

REAL wind_vel, our_vel, del_time ;


      PT3 offset ;

      REAL wind_dist, our_dist ;


      wind_dist = del_time * wind_vel ;

      our_dist = del_time * our_vel ;

      c3v_addw ( wind_dir, wind_dist, our_dir, our_dist, offset ) ;

      c3v_add ( old_pos, offset, new_pos ) ;


This subroutine computes the position of an airplane  flying in a crosswind.




***>> c3v_basis <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_basis ( n, u, v );


****** Description ******


This function constructs two orthogonal unit vectors that are both

orthogonal to a given vector.  This function is useful for creating  x and y

axes of a local coordinate system located on a plane.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | n                  | a 3D vector                  |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | u, v               | two unit vectors which are   |

|                        |                    | both orthogonal to n; if  v  |

|                        |                    | is NULL, it is not computed  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the vectors were successfully  constructed.

Otherwise it is NULL.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void combine_pts ( u, v )


PT3 u, v;


      PT3 n;


      printf ( "enter normal vector" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", n, n+1, n+2 );


      c3v_basis ( n, u, v );


This function constructs two orthogonal vectors that are both  orthogonal to

a specified vector.




***>> c3v_conv_pt_2d3d <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL *c3v_conv_pt_2d3d ( b, c, u, v, a);


****** Description ******


This function computes the 3D coordinates of a 2D point on the x-y   plane of

a local coordinate system in 3D space.  The local  coordinate system is

defined by an origin, an x-axis vector and a y- axis vector.


****** Input ******



| PT2                    | b                  | a 2D point                   |


| PT3                    | c, u, v            | the origin, x-axis vector    |

|                        |                    | and y-axis vector            |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the output 3D point          |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void transform_point ( o, x, y, p )


PT3 o, x, y, p;


      PT2 p2d;

      printf ( "enter a 2D point" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf", p2d, p2d+1 );

      c3v_conv_pt_2d3d ( p2d, o, x, y, p );


This function transforms a specified 2D point in a local coordinate  system

into its corresponding point in 3D space.




***>> c3v_conv_pt_3d2d <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL* c3v_conv_pt_3d2d ( b, c, u, v, a );


****** Description ******


This function computes the x and y coordinates of the projection of  a 3D

point onto the x-y plane of a local coordinate system in 3D  space.  The

local coordinate system is defined by an origin, an x- axis vector and a

y-axis vector.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | b                  | a 3D point                   |


| PT3                    | c, u, v            | the origin, x-axis vector    |

|                        |                    | and y-axis vector            |



****** Output ******



| PT2                    | a                  | the output 2D point          |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void transform_point ( o, x, y, p )


PT3 o, x, y;

PT2 p;


      PT3 p3d;

      printf ( "enter a 3D point" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p3d, p3d+1, p3d+2);

      c3v_conv_pt_3d2d ( p3d, o, x, y, p );


This function transforms a 3D point into its corresponding 2D point  in a

local coordinate system. 




***>> c3v_conv_vec_2d3d <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL* c3v_conv_vec_2d3d ( b, u, v, a );


****** Description ******


This function computes the 3D coordinates of a 2D vector on the x-y   plane

of a local coordinate system in 3D space.  The local  coordinate system is

defined by an origin, an x-axis vector and a y- axis vector.


****** Input ******



| PT2                    | b                  | a 2D vector                  |


| PT3                    | u, v               | x-axis and y-axis vectors    |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the output 3D vector         |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a pointer to the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void transform_vector ( x, y, vec )


PT3 x, y, vec;


      PT2 vec2d;

      printf ( "enter a 2D vector" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf", vec2d, vec2d+1 );

      c3v_conv_vec_2d3d ( vec2d, x, y, vec );


This function converts a 2D vector in a local coordinate system to  its

corresponding vector in 3D space.




***>> c3v_conv_vec_3d2d <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL* c3v_conv_vec_3d2d ( b, u, v, a );


****** Description ******


This function computes the x and y coordinates of the projection of  a 3D

vector onto the x-y plane of a local coordinate system in 3D  space.  The

local coordinate system is defined by an origin, an x-axis  vector and a

y-axis vector.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | b                  | a 3D point                   |


| PT3                    | u, v               | x-axis and y-axis vectors    |



****** Output ******



| PT2                    | a                  | the output 2D vector         |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is a pointer to the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void transform_vector ( x, y, vec )


PT3 x, y;

PT2 vec;


      PT3 vec3d;

      printf ( "enter a 3D vector" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", vec3d, vec3d+1, vec3d+2);

      c3v_conv_vec_3d2d ( vec3d, x, y, vec );


This function transforms a 3D vector into its corresponding 2D  vector in a

local coordinate system.




***>> c3v_coord_sys <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void c3v_coord_sys ( normal, dist, origin, x_axis,  y_axis );


****** Description ******


Given a plane specified by a normal vector and distance, this  function

constructs a local coordinate system on the plane.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | normal             | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | dist               | the distance from the origin  |

|                        |                    | to the plane along the       |

|                        |                    | normal  direction            |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | origin             | origin                       |


| PT3                    | x_axis             | x axis                       |


| PT3                    | y_axis             | y axis                       |



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 n, o, x, y ;

      REAL dist = 5.0;

      c3v_set ( 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, n ) ;

      c3v_coord_sys ( n, dist, o, x, y ) ;


This program constructs a coordinate system on a plane specified  with a

normal and a distance from the origin.




***>> c3v_copy <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_copy(a,b);


****** Description ******


This function copies one point to another.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the point to copy            |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the copy                     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 p0, p1 ;

      c3v_set ( 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, p0 ) ;

      c3v_copy ( p0, p1 ) ;


This program copies one point to another.




***>> c3v_cross  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_cross ( a, b, c );


****** Description ******


This function computes the cross product of two vectors.  The result is a

vector whose components are defined by  the following expressions:


      c[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1]

      c[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2]

      c[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0].

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | the vectors to cross         |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | c                  | the cross product of a with  |

|                        |                    | b                            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>



print_cross_product ( vec1, vec2 )

PT3 vec1, vec2 ;


      PT3 cross_prod ;

      c3v_cross ( vec1, vec2, cross_prod ) ;

      printf ( "The cross product of vec1 and vec2 is " ) ;

      printf ( "%lf %lf %lf.\n", cross_prod[0], cross_prod[1], cross_prod[2] ) ;


This subroutine prints out the coordinates of the cross product of the input





***>> c3v_dist  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_dist ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function computes the distance between two points. This quantity  is

defined by the following expression:


      dist = sqrt ( ( a[0]-b[0] )*( a[0]-b[0] ) +

            ( a[1]-b[1] )*( a[1]-b[1] ) ) +

            ( a[2]-b[2] )*( a[2]-b[2] ) ).

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two points                   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the distance between the two points.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>



print_distance ( pt1, pt2 )

PT3 pt1, pt2 ;


      REAL dist ;

      dist = c3v_dist ( pt1, pt2 ) ;

      printf ( "The distance between two points is %lf.\n", dist ) ;


This subroutine prints the distance between two points.




***>> c3v_dist_squared  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_dist_squared ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function computes the square of the distance between  two points. This

quantity is defined by the following  expression:


      dist = ( a[0]-b[0] )*( a[0]-b[0] ) +

            ( a[1]-b[1] )*( a[1]-b[1] ) +

            ( a[2]-b[2] )*( a[2]-b[2] ).

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two points                   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the square of the distance between  the two points.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>



print_distance_squared ( pt1, pt2 )

PT3 pt1, pt2 ;


      REAL dist ;

      dist = c3v_dist ( pt1, pt2 ) ;

      printf ( "The distance squared between two points is %lf.\n", dist ) ;


This subroutine prints out the square of the distance between two points.




***>> c3v_distl1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_distl1 ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function computes the "L1" or "Manhattan" distance  between two points.

This quantity is defined by the  following expression:


      dist_l1 = fabs ( a[0]-b[0] ) + fabs ( a[1]-b[1] )

            + fabs ( a[2]-b[2] ).

This value is a rough estimate of the distance between two  points, and is

computed much more quickly than the exact Euclidean  distance.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two points                   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the "L1" distance between two points.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>



print_distance_l1 ( pt1, pt2 )

PT3 pt1, pt2 ;


      REAL dist ;

      dist = c3v_distl1 ( pt1, pt2 ) ;

      printf ( "The L1 distance between two points is %lf.\n",

            dist ) ;


This subroutine prints the L1 distance between two points.




***>> c3v_dot  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_dot ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function computes the dot product of two vectors.  This quantity is

defined by the following expression:


      dot = a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2].

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two vectors                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the dot product of the two vectors.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void print_dot_product ( vec1, vec2 )

PT3 vec1, vec2 ;


      REAL dot_prod ;

      dot_prod = c3v_dot ( vec1, vec2 ) ;

      printf ( "The dot product of vec1 and vec2 is %lf.\n", dot_prod ) ;


This subroutine prints out the dot product of two vectors.




***>> c3v_ident_pts <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_ident_pts(a,b);


****** Description ******


This function determines if two points coincide within a  tolerance. The

tolerance used is the absolute  tolerance, which can be changed by resetting

either  the world size or the relative tolerance.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two points                   |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the points coincide within  the defined

absolute tolerance, and it returns FALSE if  the points are separated by a

distance greater than that  value. This tolerance may be reset by changing

either the  world size or the relative tolerance.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


coincidence_check ( pt0, pt1 )

PT3 pt0, pt1 ;


      if ( !c3v_ident_pts ( pt0, pt1 ) )

            printf  ( "points are distinct\n" ) ;


            printf ( "points coincide\n" ) ;


This subroutine checks if two points are coincident and prints out the

appropriate message.




***>> c3v_is_small  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_is_small ( a );


@HEADIOG = Description


This function determines if absolute values of all of the  coordinates of the

input vector are less than the absolute  tolerance. This tolerance may be

reset by changing either the world  size or the relative tolerance.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if absolute values of all three  coordinates of

the vector are less than or equal to the absolute  tolerance, and it returns

FALSE if at least one of the absolute  values of the coordinates of the

vector a is greater than  that value.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>



check_zerolength ( v )

PT3 v ;


      if ( c3v_is_small ( v ) )

            printf ( "vector has zero length\n" ) ;


            printf ( "vector has non-zero length\n" ) ;


This subroutine checks if a vector has nearly zero length and prints out the

appropriate message.




***>> c3v_mid_pt  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_mid_pt ( a, b, c );


****** Description ******


This function computes the point halfway between two  points. This operation

is defined by the following  expression:


      c = ( a + b ) / 2.

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two points                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | c                  | midpoint between the two     |

|                        |                    | points                       |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 pt1, pt2, mid_pt ;


      c3v_set ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, pt1 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, pt2 ) ;

      c3v_mid_pt ( pt1, pt2, mid_pt ) ;


This program computes a midpoint between pt1 and pt2. Therefore,  mid_pt = (

2.5, 3.5, 4.5 ) .




***>> c3v_mirror_pt <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_mirror_pt ( a, n, d, b );


****** Description ******


This function mirrors a point across a plane. The plane  is defined by a

normal vector and a distance from the origin.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a 3D point                   |


| PT3                    | n                  | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | d                  | the distance of the plane to  |

|                        |                    | the origin                   |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the mirror image of a across  |

|                        |                    | the plane                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 a, n, b ;

      REAL d ;


      c3v_set ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, n ) ;

      d = 1.0 ;     /* plane z = 1 */

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, a ) ;

      c3v_mirror_pt ( a, n, d, b ) ;


This routine computes a mirror image of the point ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 )  with

respect to the plane z = 1. The result of this operation is  b=(2.0, 3.0,





***>> c3v_mirror_vec <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_mirror_vec ( a, n, b );


****** Description ******


This function mirrors a vector across a plane perpendicular to a  specified



****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a 3D vector                  |


| PT3                    | n                  | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the mirror image of a across  |

|                        |                    | the plane                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 a, n, b ;


      c3v_set ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, n ) ;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, a ) ;

      c3v_mirror_vec ( a, n, b ) ;


This routine computes a mirror image of the vector ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 )  with

respect to the plane z = 1. The result of this operation is  b=(2.0, 3.0,





***>> c3v_negate  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_negate ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function negates or reverses a vector. This  operation is defined by the



      b = -a.

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | vector with direction        |

|                        |                    | reversed                     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 vec, vec1 ;

      REAL x = 2.0, y = 5.0, z = -3.0 ;

      c3v_set ( x, y, z, vec ) ;

      c3v_negate ( vec, vec1 ) ;


This program negates a vector. As a result, vec1 = (-2.0, -5.0, 3.0 ) .


***>> c3v_norm  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_norm ( a );


****** Description ******


This function computes the length of a vector. This quantity is defined  by

the following expression:


      norm = sqrt ( a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2] ).

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the length or "norm" of the vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 vec ;

      REAL length ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, vec ) ;

      length = c3v_norm ( vec ) ;

      printf ( "vector length is %lf.\n", length ) ;


This program computes the length of the vector, and prints it out.


***>> c3v_norm_squared  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_norm_squared ( a );


****** Description ******


This function computes the square of the length of a vector. This  quantity

is defined by the following expression:


      norm_sqr = a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2].

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the length or norm of the vector squared.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 vec ;

      REAL l_sqr ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, vec ) ;

      l_sqr = c3v_norm_squared ( vec ) ;

      printf ( "vector length squared is %lf.\n", l_sqr ) ;


This program computes the square of the length of the vector, and  prints it



***>> c3v_normalize  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_normalize ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function normalizes a vector to produce a unit vector. This operation

is defined by the following expression:


      b = a / c3v_norm(a).

The vector must have non-zero length to be normalized.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | normalized vector; its       |

|                        |                    | coordinates are valid only   |

|                        |                    | if the returned  value is    |

|                        |                    | TRUE                         |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the length of the input vector is not  zero and

the normalization was successfully performed. Otherwise the  return value is

FALSE, and the coordinates of the output vector are  (0,0,0).


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 vec, vec1 ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, vec ) ;

      if ( !c3v_normalize ( vec, vec1 ) )

            printf ( "Cannot normalize zero length vector\n" ) ;


This routine normalizes the vector ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ).


***>> c3v_normalize_l1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_normalize_l1 ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function scales a vector to make it approximately of unit length.  The

scale factor is the reciprocal of the "L1" length of the vector  (see



This operation is defined by the following expression:


      b = a / c3v_norml1(a).

If the "L1" length of the vector is zero, this function returns  FALSE, and

the output vector b is (0,0,0).


This normalization is performed much more quickly than the precise

normalization, and consequently should be used when a vector with

approximately unit length will suffice.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | a vector with the same       |

|                        |                    | direction as a, but with     |

|                        |                    | approximately  unit length   |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the "L1" length of the input vector is  not zero

and the normalization was successfully performed. Otherwise  the return value

is FALSE; in this case the coordinates of the output  vector are (0,0,0).


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

void main()


      PT3 vec, vec1 ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, vec ) ;

      if ( !c3v_normalize_l1 ( vec, vec1 ) )

            printf ( "Cannot normalize zero length vector\n" ) ;


This routine normalizes the vector ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ) by the "L1" norm.


***>> c3v_norml1  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_norml1 ( a );


****** Description ******


This function computes the "L1" length of a vector. This quantity  is defined

by the following expression:


      norm_l1 = fabs ( a[0] ) + fabs ( a[1] ) + fabs ( a[2] ).

This length is computed much more quickly than the true length, and

consequently should be used when an approximate length will suffice.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the "L1" norm of the vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 vec ;

      REAL length ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, vec ) ;

      length = c3v_norml1 ( vec ) ;

      printf ( "L1 length is %lf.\n", length ) ;


This routine prints out the "L1" length of the vector ( 1.0, 2.0,  3.0 ),

which is 6.0.


***>> c3v_plane_3pts <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_plane_3pts ( p0, p1, p2, normal, dist_ptr );


****** Description ******


This function computes the normal vector and distance from the  origin of a

plane defined by three points.


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | p0, p1, p2         | three points                 |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | normal             | the normal of the plane      |


| REAL *                 | dist_ptr           | the distance between the     |

|                        |                    | origin and the plane along   |

|                        |                    | the  normal direction        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the plane could be constructed.  It is  FALSE if

the points do not define a unique plane; this condition  arises if the three

points are not distinct or if they are  collinear.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

void main ()


      PT3 p0, p1, p2, n;

      REAL dist ;


      c3v_set ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, p0 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, p1 ) ;

      c3v_set ( -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, p2 ) ;

      if ( c3v_plane_3pts ( p0, p1, p2, n, &dist ) )

            printf ( "Plane normal and dist: %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",

            n[0], n[1], n[2], dist );


This program constructs a plane through three points.


***>> c3v_project_line  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_project_line ( a, b, c, p );


****** Description ******


This function projects a point onto a line defined by two points.


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two points that define a     |

|                        |                    | line                         |


| PT3                    | c                  | the point to project         |



****** Output ******


@T3C2 = p


@T3C3 = a point which is the projection of c onto the line  defined by a and

b; if this argument is NULL, this  point is not computed


****** Return Value ******


The return value is the parameter value on the line that corresponds  to the

point of projection.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

void main ()


      PT3 pt0, pt1, pt ;

      REAL t ;


      c3v_set ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, pt0 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, pt1 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, pt ) ;

      t = c3v_project_line ( pt0, pt1, pt, NULL ) ;

      printf ( "Projection parameter is %lf\n", t ) ;


This routine prints out the parameter of the projection of point pt  onto

line (pt0,pt1). The computed value of t is 2/3.


***>> c3v_project_pt_normal <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_project_pt_normal ( a, n, d, b );


****** Description ******


This function projects a point onto a plane along the normal vector  of the

plane. The plane is defined with a normal vector and a distance  from the



****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the point to project         |


| PT3                    | n                  | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | d                  | the distance of the plane    |

|                        |                    | from the origin              |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the point of projection on   |

|                        |                    | the plane                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output point.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 a, n, b ;

      REAL d ;


      c3v_set ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, n ) ;

      d = 0.0 ;     /* plane z = 0 */

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, a ) ;

      c3v_project_pt_normal ( a, n, d, b ) ;


This routine computes projection of the point ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ) onto  the x-y

plane ( plane z=0 ). The result of this operation is b=(2.0,  3.0, 0.0).


***>> c3v_project_pt_oblique <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_project_pt_oblique ( a, normal, dist, direction,  b );


****** Description ******


This function projects a point onto a plane along a specified direction.  The

plane is defined with a normal vector and a distance from the  origin.


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the point to project         |


| PT3                    | n                  | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| REAL                   | d                  | the distance of the plane    |

|                        |                    | from the origin              |


| PT3                    | direction          | the projection direction     |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the point of projection on   |

|                        |                    | the plane                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output point.  It is NULL if the normal and

direction vectors are perpendicular to each other.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 a, n, dir, b ;

      REAL d ;


      c3v_set ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, n ) ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, dir ) ;

      d = 0.0 ;     /* plane z = 0 */

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, a ) ;

      c3v_project_pt_oblique ( a, n, d, dir, b );


This routine computes oblique projection of the point ( 2.0, 3.0,  4.0 ) onto

the x-y plane ( plane z=0 ).


***>> c3v_project_vec_normal <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_project_vec_normal ( a, n, b );


****** Description ******


This function projects a vector onto a plane along the normal vector  of the

plane. The plane is defined with a normal vector and a distance  from the



****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the vector to project        |


| PT3                    | n                  | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the projection of the vector  |

|                        |                    | on the plane                 |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector. 


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 a, n, b ;


      c3v_set ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, n ) ;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, a ) ;

      c3v_project_vec_normal ( a, n, b ) ;


This routine computes projection of the vector ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ) onto  the

x-y plane ( plane z=0 ). The result of this operation is b=(2.0,  3.0, 0.0).


***>> c3v_project_vec_oblique <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_project_vec_oblique ( a, normal, direction,  b );


****** Description ******


This function projects a vector onto a plane along a specified direction.

The plane is defined with a normal vector and a distance from the  origin.


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the vector to project        |


| PT3                    | n                  | the normal vector of the     |

|                        |                    | plane                        |


| PT3                    | direction          | the projection direction     |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the projection of the vector  |

|                        |                    | on the plane                 |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.  It is NULL if the normal and

direction vectors are perpendicular to each other.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 a, n, dir, b ;


      c3v_set ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, n ) ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, dir ) ;

      c3v_set ( 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, a ) ;

      c3v_project_vec_oblique ( a, n, dir, b ) ;


This routine computes oblique projection of the vector ( 2.0, 3.0,  4.0 )

onto the x-y plane ( plane z=0 ).


***>> c3v_pt_on_plane <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_pt_on_plane ( p, normal, dist );


****** Description ******


This function determines if a point is on a plane.


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | p                  | a 3D point                   |


| PT3                    | normal             | the normal of the plane      |


| REAL                   | dist               | the distance between the     |

|                        |                    | origin and the plane along   |

|                        |                    | the  normal direction        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the point is within the plane by a  distance less

than the absolute tolerance.  It is FALSE  otherwise.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

void main ()


      PT3 p0, p1, p2, p, n;

      REAL dist ;


      c3v_set ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, p0 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, p1 ) ;

      c3v_set ( -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, p2 ) ;

      c3v_plane_3pts ( p0, p1, p2, n, &dist );

      printf ( "enter point coordinates" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", p, p+1, p+2 );

      if ( c3v_pt_on_plane ( p, n, dist ) )

            printf ( "point is on plane\n" );


This program determines if a point is on a plane.


***>> c3v_rotate_pt <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL* c3v_rotate_pt ( a, origin, axis_vector, angle, b );


****** Description ******


This function rotates a 3D point about an axis.  The axis is defined  by a

point and a direction.  The angle must specified in radians. 


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the point to rotate; it is   |

|                        |                    | not affected by this         |

|                        |                    | operation                    |


| PT3                    | origin, axis_vector | the point and the direction  |

|                        |                    | that define the rotation     |

|                        |                    | axis                         |


| REAL                   | angle              | the rotation angle; if it is  |

|                        |                    | positive, the rotation is    |

|                        |                    | counter-clockwise; otherwise  |

|                        |                    | it is clockwise; it must be  |

|                        |                    | specified  in radians        |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the rotated point            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output point.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

void rotate_point ( p, p1 )

PT3 p, p1;


      PT3 o, v;

      REAL angle;

      printf ( "enter axis origin" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2 );

      printf ( "enter axis direction" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      printf ( "enter rotation angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &angle );

      angle *= PI_OVER_180;

      c3v_rotate_pt ( p, o, v, angle, p1 );


This function rotates a point about a specified axis.


***>> c3v_rotate_pt_cs <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL* c3v_rotate_pt_cs ( a, origin, axis_vector, c, s, b );


****** Description ******


This function rotates a 3D point about an axis.  The axis is defined  by an

origin and an axis vector.  The rotation angle is specified  with its cosine

and sine.


By reusing the sine and cosine values of the rotation angle, this  function

rotates groups of geometry more quickly than  c3v_rotate_pt.


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the point to rotate; it is   |

|                        |                    | not modified by this         |

|                        |                    | function                     |


| PT3                    | origin, axis_vector | the origin and axis vector   |

|                        |                    | of the rotation axis         |


| REAL                   | c, s               | the cosine and sine of the   |

|                        |                    | rotation angle               |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the rotated point            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output point.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void rotate_point ( p, p1, p2, p3, p4 )


PT3 p, p1, p2, p3, p4;


      PT3 o, v;

      REAL angle, s, c;


      printf ( "enter axis origin" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", o, o+1, o+2 );

      printf ( "enter axis direction" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      printf ( "enter rotation angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &angle );

      angle *= PI_OVER_180;

      c = cos ( angle );

      s = sin ( angle );


      c3v_rotate_pt_cs ( p, o, v, c, s, p1 );

      c3v_rotate_pt_cs ( p1, o, v, c, s, p2 );

      c3v_rotate_pt_cs ( p2, o, v, c, s, p3 );

      c3v_rotate_pt_cs ( p3, o, v, c, s, p4 );


This function rotates a point about an axis.  The rotation  computations are

more efficient when c3v_rotate_pt_cs is used  instead of c3v_rotate_pt

because the latter function must  recompute the sine and cosine of the

rotation angle for each  rotation.


***>> c3v_rotate_vec <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL* c3v_rotate_vec ( a, axis_vector, angle, b );


****** Description ******


This function rotates a 3D vector about an axis.  The axis is defined  by a

direction.  The angle must specified in radians. 


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the vector to rotate; it is  |

|                        |                    | not affected by this         |

|                        |                    | operation                    |


| PT3                    | axis_vector        | the direction that defines   |

|                        |                    | the rotation axis            |


| REAL                   | angle              | the rotation angle; if it is  |

|                        |                    | positive, the rotation is    |

|                        |                    | counter-clockwise; otherwise  |

|                        |                    | it is clockwise; it must be  |

|                        |                    | specified  in radians        |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the rotated vector           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

void rotate_vector ( p, p1 )

PT3 p, p1;


      PT3 v;

      REAL angle;

      printf ( "enter axis direction" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      printf ( "enter rotation angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &angle );

      angle *= PI_OVER_180;

      c3v_rotate_vec ( p, v, angle, p1 );


This function rotates a vector about a specified axis.


***>> c3v_rotate_vec_cs <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL* c3v_rotate_vec_cs ( a, axis_vector, c, s, b );


****** Description ******


This function rotates a 3D vector about an axis.  The axis is  defined by an

axis vector.  The rotation angle is specified with its  cosine and sine.


By reusing the sine and cosine values of the rotation angle, this  function

rotates groups of geometry more quickly than  c3v_rotate_vec.


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | a                  | the vector to rotate; it is  |

|                        |                    | not modified by this         |

|                        |                    | function                     |


| PT3                    | axis_vector        | the axis vector of the       |

|                        |                    | rotation axis                |


| REAL                   | c, s               | the cosine and sine of the   |

|                        |                    | rotation angle               |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the rotated vector           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void rotate_vector ( p, p1, p2, p3, p4 )


PT3 p, p1, p2, p3, p4;


      PT3 v;

      REAL angle, s, c;


      printf ( "enter axis direction" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      printf ( "enter rotation angle" );

      scanf ( "%lf", &angle );

      angle *= PI_OVER_180;

      c = cos ( angle );

      s = sin ( angle );


      c3v_rotate_vec_cs ( p, v, c, s, p1 );

      c3v_rotate_vec_cs ( p1, v, c, s, p2 );

      c3v_rotate_vec_cs ( p2, v, c, s, p3 );

      c3v_rotate_vec_cs ( p3, v, c, s, p4 );


This function rotates a vector about an axis.  The rotation  computations are

more efficient when c3v_rotate_vec_cs is used  instead of c3v_rotate_vec

because the latter function must  recompute the sine and cosine of the

rotation angle for each  rotation.


***>> c3v_scale  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_scale ( a, t, b );


****** Description ******


This function multiplies a vector by a scalar. This operation is defined  by

the following expression:


      b = t * a.

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |


| REAL                   | t                  | a scale factor               |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | b                  | the scaled vector            |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 vec ;

      REAL scale = 2.0, x=1.0, y=2.0, z=3.0 ;

      c3v_set ( x, y, z, vec ) ;

      c3v_scale ( vec, scale, vec ) ;


This program multiplies a vector by a scale factor. As a result of  this

operation, vec = ( 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 ) .


***>> c3v_set <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_set(x,y,z,a);


****** Description ******


This function sets the coordinate values of a vector.


****** Input ******



| REAL                   | x, y, z            | coordinate values            |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | a                  | vector initialized with      |

|                        |                    | coordinate values x, y,  and  |

|                        |                    | z.                           |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 v ;

      c3v_set ( 1., 2., 3., v ) ;


This routine sets the vector v to ( 1.0,2.0,3.0)


***>> c3v_set_spherical <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_set_spherical ( r, theta, phi, a );


****** Description ******


This function sets the direction of a vector to the direction  specified by a

set of spherical coordinates.


****** Input ******



| REAL                   | r, theta, phi      | the radius, the angle about  |

|                        |                    | the z-axis from the x-z      |

|                        |                    | plane,  and the angle from   |

|                        |                    | the z-axis of the specified  |

|                        |                    | direction                    |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector with the specified  |

|                        |                    | direction                    |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 v ;

      c3v_set_spherical ( 5.0, PI / 4.0, PI/ 4.0, v ) ;


This routine creates a vector with length 5.0, rotated about the z- axis by

45 degrees from the x-z plane, and rotated down from the z- axis by 45



***>> c3v_set_zero <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_set_zero(a);


****** Description ******


This function sets all coordinates of a vector to zero.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a vector                     |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the input vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void main()


      PT3 v ;

      c3v_set_zero ( v ) ;


This routine sets the vector v to ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ).


***>> c3v_spherical <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void c3v_spherical ( a, r, theta, phi );


****** Description ******


This function computes the spherical coordinates of a point. 


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a                  | a 3D point                   |



****** Output ******



| REAL *                 | r                  | spherical radius; not        |

|                        |                    | computed if NULL             |


| REAL *                 | theta              | the angle between the x-axis  |

|                        |                    | and vector from the origin   |

|                        |                    | to  the projection of the    |

|                        |                    | point onto the x-y plane;    |

|                        |                    | not computed if NULL         |


| REAL *                 | phi                | the angle between the z-axis  |

|                        |                    | and the vector from the      |

|                        |                    | origin  to the point; not    |

|                        |                    | computed if NULL             |



****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void print_spherical ( p )

PT3 p ;


      REAL r, theta, phi ;

      c3v_spherical ( p, &r, &theta, &phi ) ;

      printf ( "r theta phi: %lf %lf %lf\n",

            r, theta, phi );


This routine prints out the spherical coordinates of a point.


***>> c3v_sub  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL * c3v_sub ( a, b, c );


****** Description ******


This function computes the difference of two vectors. This operation  is

defined by the following expression:


      c = a - b.

****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | vectors to subtract          |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | c                  | difference of a and b        |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the output vector.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void print_difference ( vec1, vec2 )

PT3 vec1, vec2 ;


      PT3 diff ;

      c3v_sub ( vec1, vec2, diff ) ;

      printf ( "the difference vector is: %lf %lf %lf\n",

            diff[0], diff[1], diff[2] ) ;


This routine prints out the difference of two vectors.


***>> c3v_triple_prod <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_triple_prod ( a, b, c );


****** Description ******


This function computes the triple product of three vectors.  This  quantity

is defined by the following expression:


triple_product = a[0] * ( b[1] * c[2] - b[2] * c[1] ) +

      a[1] * ( b[2] * c[0] - b[0] * c[2] ) +

      a[2] * ( b[0] * c[1] - b[1] * c[0] );

It is also equivalent to the dot product of a with the cross  product of b

and c, or the dot product of the cross  product of a and b with c.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b, c            | three vectors                |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the triple product of the three input vectors.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>



print_triple_product ( vec1, vec2, vec3 )

PT3 vec1, vec2, vec3 ;


      REAL triple_prod ;

      triple_prod = c3v_triple_prod ( vec1, vec2, vec3 ) ;

      printf ( "Triple product of vec1, vec2 and vec3 is " ) ;

      printf ( "%lf.\n", triple_prod ) ;


This routine prints out the coordinates of the triple product of three





***>> c3v_unit_normal <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_unit_normal ( a, b, c );


****** Description ******


This function computes a unit vector which is perpendicular to two  given

vectors.  The resulting vector is obtained by normalizing the  cross product

of the first vector with the second.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two vectors                  |



****** Output ******



| PT3                    | c                  | a unit vector which is       |

|                        |                    | perpendicular to the two     |

|                        |                    | input vectors                |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the unit vector could be constructed.  Otherwise

it returns FALSE.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void compute_normal ( c )


PT3 c;


      PT3 a, b;


      printf ( "enter a: " );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", a, a+1, a+2 );

      printf ( "enter b: " );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", b, b+1, b+2 );


      c3v_unit_normal ( a, b, c );


This function constructs the vector orthogonal to two specified  vectors.


***>> c3v_vec_on_plane <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_vec_on_plane ( vec, normal );


****** Description ******


This function determines if a vector is parallel to a plane.


****** Input  ******



| PT3                    | vec                | a 3D vector                  |


| PT3                    | normal             | the normal of the plane      |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is TRUE if the vector lies parallel to the set of  planes

with the specified normal. It is FALSE otherwise.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>

void main ()


      REAL dist ;

      PT3 p0, p1, p2, v, n;


      c3v_set ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, p0 ) ;

      c3v_set ( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, p1 ) ;

      c3v_set ( -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, p2 ) ;

      c3v_plane_3pts ( p0, p1, p2, n, &dist );

      printf ( "enter vector coordinates" );

      scanf ( "%lf%lf%lf", v, v+1, v+2 );

      if ( c3v_vec_on_plane ( v, n ) )

            printf ( "vector is parallel to plane\n" );


This program determines if a vector is parallel to a plane.


***>> c3v_vecs_angle  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_vecs_angle ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function computes the angle between two vectors.  The result  is

expressed in radians, and falls between 0 and two pi.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two vectors                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the angle between the two input vectors.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void print_angle ( vec1, vec2 )

PT3 vec1, vec2 ;


      REAL angle ;

      angle = c3v_vecs_angle ( vec1, vec2 ) ;

      printf ( "angle between the vectors is %lf.\n", angle ) ;


This subroutine prints the angle between two vectors.


***>> c3v_vecs_cos  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_vecs_cos ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function computes the cosine of the angle between two vectors.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two vectors                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the cosine of the angle between two vectors.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void print_cosine ( vec1, vec2 )

PT3 vec1, vec2 ;


      REAL cosine ;

      cosine = c3v_vecs_cos ( vec1, vec2 ) ;

      printf ( "cosine of the angle" );

      printf ( "between the vectors is %lf.\n", cosine ) ;


This subroutine prints the cosine of the angle between two vectors.


***>> c3v_vecs_parallel  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


BOOLEAN c3v_vecs_parallel ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function determines if two vectors are parallel.  Two vectors  are

considered parallel if the absolute value of the sine of the angle  between

them is less than or equal to the  relative tolerance.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a,b                | two vectors                  |



****** Return Value ******


This function returns TRUE if the vectors are paralled, and FALSE  if the

vectors are not parellel.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void check_parallel ( vec1, vec2 )

PT3 vec1, vec2 ;


      if ( c3v_vecs_parallel ( vec1, vec2 ) )

            printf ( "vectors are parallel\n" ) ;


            printf ( "vectors are not parallel\n" ) ;


This subroutine reports if two vectors are parallel.


***>> c3v_vecs_sin  <<***


****** Summary ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


REAL c3v_vecs_sin ( a, b );


****** Description ******


This function computes the sine of the angle between two vectors.


****** Input ******



| PT3                    | a, b               | two vectors                  |



****** Return Value ******


The return value is the sine of the angle between the two input vectors.


****** Example ******


#include <c3vdefs.h>


void print_sine ( vec1, vec2 )

PT3 vec1, vec2 ;


      REAL sine ;

      sine = c3v_vecs_sin ( vec1, vec2 ) ;

      printf ( "sine of the angle between " );

      printf ( "the vectors is %lf.\n", sine ) ;


This subroutine prints the sine of the angle between two vectors.